Title: What the hell was this? Post by: Grazgorn on August 01, 2006, 10:47:14 pm Today out in the woods east of BoC I was chopping lumbers and I reached a beach far to the east... There I saw this strange creature... Called a telosaint... I had never seen it before but looked like a huuuge wolf. It didnt attack so I thought I'd try it's defenses.
AND OUCH!!! I thought it would be over in seconds, but that creature could have killed me in 2 good hits... It struck 49 and I ran! After a while it left me alone and I managed to take a screen that is below... Sadly just of it's ass as it refused to turn... (and no I refuse to attack that creature again). So a little warning and a question will follow! Do not attack these creatures! Anyone seen it before? (http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/1593/telosaintfw7.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) I mean, look at the thing, it's taller than me, and several times stronger!!! Title: Re: What the hell was this? Post by: Grazgorn on August 01, 2006, 10:53:10 pm It was a Cu Sidhe... Or something...
Vesperians killed it... :D |