Title: CANCELLED:A Covian Crafters Quest For Knowledge - 6pm GMT 08/08/06 Post by: Raiden Morana on August 02, 2006, 10:46:53 am *Raiden finds a note pinned to his cottage door. The handwriting seems familiar*
Well met Raiden me lad! I heard about yer clearing of those dreadfull savages last eve, a good show indeed! However soon i must travel to the lands of Ilshenar, to the Gargoyle City no less! There are some old scrolls there regarding certain arts and crafts that i am eager to learn so that the Baronship can gain from their finery eh? Perhaps I can make a tidy profit too! If a small group of guardsmen and perhaps a Grenadeir or two could accompany me on this quest I would feel much safer. Now I understand that you may not personally be able to lead this expedition... But if ye could organise my escort I would be happy to take joint command with whoever the ranking guardsman is. Thank ye Raiden, old friend. Amon Jarl, Covian Crafter, Merchant & Fop! Gah! We can nay have one of our crafters eaten by mongbats eh? An escort will rally at the barracks see below fer instructions. When: 6pm GMT Tuesday 08/08/06 Where: Rally outside barracks Bring: Standard Kit A group of guardsman will escort citizen Amon Jarl to the fabled Gargoyle City in Ilshenar where he can gain important knowledge of crafting to share throughout the Baronship. Alas I can nay be there... Grenadier business ter attend to and all that so the ranking guardsman will assist Amon with all the help he needs. *signed* Raiden, Senior Grenadier |