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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Grim Reepar on August 03, 2006, 01:32:44 am

Title: Grim Reepar
Post by: Grim Reepar on August 03, 2006, 01:32:44 am
*Stored away form for Grim Reepar*
Name: Grim Reepar
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Race: Human/Daemon
Occupancy: Citizen
Person in charge of you: Mela

 Grim Reepar was born to a family of three. Him, his father Manox Reepar, and his mother Zail Reepar. His mother was a human from a little unknown town by the name of Zempharia. It layed right outside of the city Umbra. Curious one day she fell into the Abyss and landed in a deep, deep, valley. There, Grim's now known father found her. As an outsider they were supposed to have tortured her and then killed her but they didn't. For in the Prophesy that the people, Deathrecks, followed, showed that this was supposed to happen. That this outsider would bare the Chosen One. They worshiped an undergod that they thought should be the leader of gods, Lord Vabra. Lord Vabra followed the orders of the god, Tangri. Tangri ruled all of the Abyss tribes except the Deathrecks. Lord Vabra created them to build up power and over throw all the other tribes so Tangri will fall weak to Lord Vabra. When the Chosen One was born, the Prophesy foretold that it shall be sacraficed to Lord Vabra for more power at the age of the Daemon's comming(which is 16 and now all Cove will witness it)When the boy hit the age of "The Daemon's Comming", his parents brought him to the tribe leader, Taxiam Bushal. Taxiam explained everything to young Grim, the evil inside of him, Lord Vabra and Tangri. But being brought up in a place of non-stop torture and murder, Grim fell weak to their ways, he did not like them. So to avoid his sacrafice, the night before his 16 birthday, he snuck into Taxiam's tent and murdered him. Fleeing from the Abyss, he followed the roads of Sosaria, a brand new world to him. Deathrecks are unable to leave the Abyss, for if they flee too far from Lord Vabra's control, they will die, but the Chosen One can flee to where he pleases.
 After many moons of traveling, Grim found many places to try and hide from them. Nobody would take him in. But one day he ran into a town called Cove. Where he met Kelly and Mela. Cove took the boy in and assigned Mela to watch over him. She is the one he told everything to. Now the Tangri worshiping tribes will be looking for him. For if they sacrafice him to Tangri. Lord Vabra will not succeed of his doings.
 So now Cove is where the Daemon inside this young, bright boy will emerge to Sosaria. Already starting to show his colors. He has given Grim some new powers, such as being able to sense who is coming, knowing peoples name, past, secrets,thoughts, and feelings just by looking at them. But sometimes the Daemon wants to come out and play. He has already possesed William Little, and made Boo Little agree to help him. Now what will Sosaria face when "The Nameless Daemon" approaches? What will happen? And will anybody survive....?