Title: COMPLETE: Covian Faye - Help the Homeless Appeal! Monday 7th August! Post by: Will Little on August 04, 2006, 11:35:32 am (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v622/BruteLitte/fayre.jpg)
For clarification: 'Help the Homeless Fayre' on Monday 7th August at 8pm. Events include: Grandest Joke of Sosaria Competition Each participant must pay 100 gold coins to enter the competition and have their place on stage to tell one joke! The best joker claims the prize of: A gold necklace The Arrow of Swiftness Competition An archery competition between the best archers in the land, and it costs a mere 300 gold coins to enter. The prize for this pristigious event is: 3 Ingeniously Drawn Treasure Maps The Lance of Cove Competition An old school competition on horse back (must be a good rider to enter, the Fayre staff are not responsible for any deaths), a three lance competition. Two falls and the other rider wins, best out of three. The most highly prized competition it comes to a whole 2,000 coins to enter but the winner gains Blessed Earrings A Pie Eating Competition This is a tough competition, to be true. That it includes the most rigorous strain on your body, you will have to stop at one point! The man/woman who eats the most pies before becoming bloated will win and it costs only 50 gold coins to enter! The prize is: 20 Diamonds __________________________________________________________ Good luck to all those who enter, and those who do wish to enter either contact Will Little (327 - 857 - 824) or join on the day! We will also be receiving some heart-saddening speeches from those affected by the severe poverty the war is inflicting on the grand city of Cove. Other prizes will be awarded for Best Dressed and Worst Dressed, hope to see you there. |