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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on August 05, 2006, 08:53:31 am

Title: The Baron does Trinsic
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 05, 2006, 08:53:31 am
T'was a warm, pleasant eve as a group of us fine guardsmen stood at the sentry just outside the barracks. Newly appointed Grenadier Darek and myself we're chatting idly when suddenly our fine Baron appeared. We we're up within a split second, ready for any threat that may have come towards him.
He had a special assignment for us, one that would make battling a cave full of orcs seems like childs play. We were to escort him to Trinsic.......

We marched, as the Baron rode horseback, until we reached the outskirts of the rich city. Our first port of call, was the local tavern. They stock a very rich wine, you see, that the Baron has a taste for.

The Tavern keeper was obviously used to hearing the locals common accents, as he had trouble even understanding our wonderous Baron!

The Baron attempts to communicate with the commoners

Once the wine was secured, we headed to through the city, towards the main gate.
There, we met a fellow who mentioned the wedding of the Captain, and the Baron being the generous, good hearted man he is, decided that a gift was in order!
We backtracked, until we reached the nearest provisioners the finest footwear cobblers in the lands, where the Baron set about choosing the perfect gift.


With his gift finely wrapped, we continued, only to meet one of our Trinsican allies.


The Baron showed that he hasn't lost touch with the common folk by engaging in a most riveting conversation...


As the conversation went on, a shady looking man tried to slip past us, but Covians have eyes like a hawk, and we soon spotted him. When questioned, he showed no respect whatsoever, and insulted the baron with words far too rude to write here!
On closer inspection, he turned out to be a known heretic, Dirk Faust, and we wasted no time in chasing him down. The baron, his fine blade swishing, took down the man in no time, despite him running like a lass! Darek and I helped a little...


Our work done, we headed to the Trinsic Rose, where the kind folk there offered us free repairs. Very nice people, including the delectable Miss Vanqa.
Our mission complete, we headed back to Cove.
Another fine job by the Barons Own Grenadiers, even if i do say so myself.

       Vince Valentine
     Grenadier Corporal

Title: Re: The Baron does Trinsic
Post by: Octiovus on August 05, 2006, 12:52:12 pm
Another excellent day out!