Title: Attacking the Daemon Strong hold of Exodus! Post by: userjosh5368 on August 05, 2006, 03:37:24 pm Lead by Vlad Regular Grenadier
Attended:- Regular Guardsmen Veldrin Ni'harel Watchman Garak Nightchill Guardsmen recruit Ella Doyle Guardsmen recruit William Little Guardsmen recruit Salick Kaysen Guardsmen recruit Darcy O'connor Guardsmen recruit Beaudlir We headed out loosing Miss Ni'harel several times before she had to turn back. We marched through swamp and dry ground before reaching are desination soon we were at the gates of hell or so i beileved ! (http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/1474/untitledtn3.jpg) Well done all you recruits and Garak! Signed Vlad Gained:- 22567 gold! |