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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Mela Arkay on August 06, 2006, 04:27:24 pm

Title: Tib's Hunt to Compassion
Post by: Mela Arkay on August 06, 2006, 04:27:24 pm
Regular Guardsman, Tiberius Kane (Leader)
Regular Dragon, Thomas Sendrich
Grenadier Corporal, Vincent Valentine
Regular Scout, Mela Arkay (me)
Regular Guardsman, Veldrin Ni'Harel
Junior Scout, Kelly Sanderson
Guardsman Recruit, Salick Kaysen

After I had finished placing recruitment banners at all the dungeons I rushed back to barracks and shoved the spare stuff away and shortly after lined up in front of Tib with Thomas and Vince afterwards followed by Kelly.

Just a line up.

After force marching to the moongate we met up with Salick and then we went through the moongate to compassion where we force marched our way to the castle where the Juka dwell ed. Unfortunately on the way we lost who went charging in some random direction.

Oh noses we lost Kelly!

Tib sent me to get her but unfortunately I got head butted by two golden headed baldies and I well..fell.
After I was pulled up and we had found Kelly we charged into one of the golden headed baldies and slew it with some ease! It's golden head and magic wasn't enough for us.

Argh its a golden headed head butter!

When we charged into the castle we came across many beasts the first however was what we call an enslaved gargoyle as I assume the Juka's kept it captive to do labour for them - Lazy sods!

Poor enslaved Gargoyle!

Moving further through the building we slew Juka after Juka after Juka! Magics, Lords all the like!  We were quite bemused at how they knew our names and why they were asking us to give them strength to defeat us. I do not know!

Jukan asking us for help....err..what?

After trailing through the building we came to a room of canons and I was quite confused as last time when Erik had taken us here we had blown half of those canons up! Their fast builders I'm guessing.

Veldrin checking out their canons

After another run through we went outside and lined up in front of Tib and asked us to put down all the gold we had collected. Overall we didn't do a bad job and we all got 2000 gold each (and a load of gems for my collection..*cough* ..*Splutter*).

The gold we collected.

Mela Arkay, Regular Scout.