Title: Hunt to Ice! Post by: Samuel West on August 06, 2006, 08:54:40 pm Lead: Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon
Attended: Jennifer Feather, Scout Sergeant Darath Mithar, Regular Guardsman Nathan, Guardsman Recruit Anna McEwan, Guardsman Recruit After the promotions parade i was charged by Baron Octiovous to lead a hunt with an army of guardsman to where ever i please. So setting out with the great Host of guards we went underside. Unfortunately the journey down the stairs seemed deadly as only a handful made it out. So with the group i decided to go to Ice Dungeon and kill a Mighty White Dragon! Unfortunately we never made it. So with the help from Garak Nightchill, we opened a blue magic thing and went through on the other side Garak and Salick left us and we proceded into the dungeon. On entering we were faced by a few bugs that we jump on a killed quickly, further on in the cave we found a liar that was crawling with rats that had been discustingly bread with humans to make a half rat race. We quickly slaughtered this monstrosity and moved on. (http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/4950/untitledyw6.jpg) We then found a man that was guarding a bunch of Giant Blue Ogres, he was making sure they didn't grow too high in numbers and destroy sossaria, we approached and asked if we could take one on in a fight, he agreed and was impressed when we destroyed it in minutes with minimal casualties. (http://img506.imageshack.us/img506/1940/untitledpl2.jpg) Moving on we came a cross a large group of intelligent snow storms and giant ice men. We fought them for a while and in the middle of the battle we were sent a pigeon from vesper calling for help. Abandoning our task we rushed back and left for vespers defence. (http://img415.imageshack.us/img415/7026/untitledcx0.jpg) *Signed* Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon |