Title: Retired Alchemist offering his knowledge on the arts. Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on August 06, 2006, 11:01:05 pm Konnichiwa.
I, Kazuo Shinrai, am quite adapt in the arts of alchemy and was once a renowed alchemist and apothecary with the Kotodama clan. Shortly after I sold my business and became a merchant, I retired from the trade. However, should any skilled young alchemists be looking for a mentor, for a small fee I would be most happy to share my knowledge on the arts. Additionally, should the Baronship or the Artisans Guild wish to benefit of my knowledge for research purposes or wish for my assistance in such enterprice, please do not hessitate to ask. For traditional orders, one should not contact myself. Unless it is for a compound or mixture of such an exotic nature that an averagely skilled alchemist would not be able to deliver, I am still retired from the arts. Signed, Kazuo Shinrai Grandmaster Alchemist |