Title: CANCELLED: Recruit Cadre 8 GMT Monday 7th August Post by: Garak Nightchill on August 07, 2006, 12:13:33 pm When:7th August 8 GMT
Meet:-Barracks roof Bring:- All equipment, light source, bedroll, bandages, parade arm etc Ok Recruits, everywhere I turn I seem to be tripping over ye's, recruitment seems to be going well. Time to get ye's ready to be Watchmen. Like me! Meet at the barracks roof today at the 8th hour. Bring yer kit. For other ranks, and recruits who've already passed Cadre, come anyway, it will count as a Training session. I'll need a Command officer to supervise, ranked Corporal or above. If none can make it I'll treat it as a normal Training or a Parade Drill. Signed, Garak Nightchill Watchman Title: CANCELLED: Recruit Cadre 8 GMT Monday 7th August Post by: Will Little on August 07, 2006, 02:05:59 pm Good Watchman - the Fayre is on at that time?