Welcome to Cove

In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Dellamona on December 11, 2004, 03:21:12 am

Title: New Member
Post by: Dellamona on December 11, 2004, 03:21:12 am
*You all notice a small, lady, with fair brown hair, glitzy blue eyes that sparkles when she is happy, and she blushes when she is around someone she likes*

Hail All!

*waves* My name is Dellamona, Della for short *grins*, I'm basically the guilds cook, and tavern keeper. I am a bit ditzy but you must bear with me *giggles* I am also not that bright, *looks sad* my sister, Donwin, used to be nasty to me about it but what the hey!!
     I also, er, um.........like someone. I mean LIKE like. I always blush when he's around, i hope he doesnt notice *blushes and grins*

Well i must go and cook something special for someone special.



Title: Re: New Member
Post by: Shadwell on December 11, 2004, 08:53:17 am
*reads the message and nods slowly*

Great...! I've tasted your pie's. Good stuff!
Welcome onboard!