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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on August 08, 2006, 08:27:09 am

Title: Hot stuff indeed! Report
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 08, 2006, 08:27:09 am
Guardsmen attending

Nathan                     Guardsmen Recruit
Salick kaysen           Watchman
Mela                          Junior Scout
Edmund Rufus           Junior Scout
Thomas Sendrich      Regular Dragoon
Hoagie                      Regular Dragoon
Veldrin                      Regular Guardsman
Raiden Morana         Senior Grenadier
Vince Valentine         Grenadier Corporal (At the time, Leading)

As I lined the Guardsmen at the firey entrance, i got a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. There was supposedly an artifact of great power deep hidden deep within, and our mission was to try and locate it.
I gave the men the usual pep talk, telling them what  a grand display of teamwork i expected to see.

Vince inspires the troops!

Once inside, we began our march deeper, where we met many a foe.
Lizards, snakes, irate old men, we saw them all, and slayed them all too i might add.
Once we had descended down a set of sinister looking steps, we came across a shrine of some kind. Usually this wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but these were decorated with foul ornaments and assorted body parts!

One of the shrines in all of it's foul glory!

Edging deeper in, we kept our guard up. I ordered Salick to lead us for a short time, to give him a flavour of leadership, which he did admirably.
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a huge, twisted structure stood before us!
It looked awkward and out of place, so me and Raiden decided we'd blow it up.
And a good job we did too, for inside, there lay hidden a strange object, which we nicknamed 'The Toothpick'

The mysterious toothpick....

Our work done, we began to backtrack, to leave the sweltering place of evil.
It wouldn't be so easy though! Oh No!
As we reached the top of the stairs we saw a shadowy figure lurking. Before we had a chance to react, the Deadite lunged at Mela, taking her hostage!
Frow what we could make out, it wanted our toothpick!

The swine!

With no other option before us, we surrenderd it, in exchange for Mrs Arkay.
Not for long though! Hah! As soon as she was safe, a group of us gave chase.
The boney sod managed to smack a couple of us guardsmen, but we soon had him pinned and battered! Hoorah!
We recovered our toothpick and helped up the wounded.
Our mission completed, albeit not exactly to plan, we headed home.
What could this myterious staff be, and where did it come from?
One thing is for sure, if the undead want it, then it's purpose must be evil indeed....

          Vince Valentine
       Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: Hot stuff indeed! Report
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 08, 2006, 09:04:56 am
Aye another grand adventure led by yer good self Vince.

We bashed tha' deadite up good at the end!

Pity about that recruit tho'. Well ye know what they say... 7 out of 10 recruits day a hideous death *grins*

Cove toothpicks 1, Deadite toothpicks 0... huzzah!


Raiden, Senior Grenadier.