Title: A bit of resource gathering. Post by: Raiden Morana on August 09, 2006, 08:42:19 pm Now i'm not normally one for getting my beautifull hands dirty but in the name of the Baron I have managed to procure some fine woods for our stocks. (http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/2967/uo0007um3.jpg) (http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/9140/uo0008tc2.jpg) A few more dubloons in the kitty eh? *signed flambuyantly* Amon Jarl, Covian Crafter. Title: Re: A bit of resource gathering. Post by: Garak Nightchill on November 06, 2006, 09:41:21 pm 25 Shillings awarded - Amon Jarl