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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Octiovus on August 10, 2006, 06:45:10 pm

Title: An expedition: [20:00 GMT Tonight!]
Post by: Octiovus on August 10, 2006, 06:45:10 pm
"Long ago Cove was a great naval power, its large docks allowing many ships and sailors to be stationed there. It was long considered to be one of, if not the greatest naval powers in Sosaria. Unfortunately with the Orcish invasion of some years ago the Covian fleet was destroyed, and has never become anything more than a mere fishing fleet. Yet the Baron has decided it once more time to prove and expand Cove's naval aims, and to this end, has ordered an expedition to the dangerous and hostile dagger Island (known to some as the Ice Island) to display Covian sea supremacy..."

Expedition details:

Commanding Officer & Expedition leader: Tiberius Kane.
First Mate: Vacant (See below)
Start point: Cove docks.
Target location: Dagger Isle.
Estimated time at sea: Less than one day. (Probably around twenty minutes real time)
Estimated time on land: Several weeks to map the island and to plant the Covian flag on the highest point. (Probably one real life evening and night, we'll be setting off back home in the afternoon of the next day though of course members of the expedition are not required to stay online for the whole period but you will not be able to leave the island.)
Expedition launch time: Soon (within the next few days, or possibly this evening if we can get enough interest.)
Expedition members: Sign below.

Charts and pictures:

The provisions to sustain the expedition for several weeks.

His Baron's Ship (H.B.S) Vigor and expedition leader Kane.

The target location.

Expedition positions:

First mate:

Will receive:

*Valorite arms and the rank of sergeant for the duration of the trip.
*The responsibility of being second in command of the expedition and creating events as well as entertaining people during the event.

Post your interest below.

Expedition member:

Will receive:

*The rank of expedition member for the duration of the trip.
*A chance to take part in an experimental event.

OOC details:

This will be a long event based mostly around roleplay though there may be some PvM and even PvP involved. I haven't attempted anything like this with BoC before, so it may or may not turn out to be a hideous disaster. Your character will not be allowed to leave the island even if they have magery so don't say you have to be dismissed and recall!

OOC rules:

*Your character cannot leave the island until the event is over. (Though you may play other characters who are not on the expedition)
*Do not come along expecting either a short event or a simple PvM/PvP event. This is based mostly on RP so come along with plenty of RP spirit! If you don't like the event, don't whine endlessly. Just log out and play your other character or similar.


Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Veldrin on August 10, 2006, 06:56:36 pm
Aha! Sounds like a right adventure! Count me in.

-Kendall Richter
Regular Guardsman

[OOC: Will there be a certain time for everyone to log in and rejoin the expedition the next day?

Also, can other people join after the expedition has set sail and arrived at Ice Island?]

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Octiovus on August 10, 2006, 07:00:10 pm

[OOC: There will be a certain time to leave the next day. If people miss that then they can either make their own way back (magery, help button, etc) or can wait for the rescue mission for any stranded guardsmen (or citizens!)

We will run a second pick-up a few hours into the event to get more members who wish to join the event, yes.]

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Garak Nightchill on August 10, 2006, 07:56:18 pm
*Roland reads the message*

An untamed land, mayhaps filled with savages still to hear the Blessed Truth of the Avatar. 

Shouldst it be permitted, I would represent the Church on this venture, to convert any heathens we find and to ensure the other expedition members do not fall into temptation or barbarity.

Roland Dagorian
Templi Squire

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Samuel West on August 10, 2006, 08:15:29 pm
Aye sire!
I would love to come.

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on August 10, 2006, 09:20:26 pm
I will be willing to Venture with you, sir!

Nicholi Ravnthorn
Dragoon Corporal

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Gimbly on August 10, 2006, 09:53:17 pm
This sounds like ye in use of some Grenadiers *nods firmly* and  therefore i will save yer arse in em colīchilly snowy winter wonder land.. err isle.

*scribbles name below*

Baronīs own Grenadiers

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Darcy O'Connor on August 10, 2006, 10:11:19 pm
If there is any space, Darcy could be a grand addition to the team.

Signed, Darcy O'Connor

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Mela Arkay on August 10, 2006, 10:40:26 pm
Count me in.

Mela Arkay.

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 11, 2006, 07:56:56 am
Sign me up! If there are any fine lasses stranded there, we shall rescue them!

    Vince Valentine
 Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Will Little on August 11, 2006, 08:18:08 am
Baron - It would be an honour to sail with you.

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 12, 2006, 08:52:27 pm
I'll go.. If you havent already gone..

Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Junior Scout.

Title: Re: An expedition:
Post by: Octiovus on August 15, 2006, 02:54:39 pm

Title: Re: An expedition: [20:00 GMT Tonight!]
Post by: Odenetheus on August 15, 2006, 03:35:26 pm
Odenetheus walks in, sees the poster and stops to read it. 'Hm. I'd better alert Lyria of this, I wouldn't want them barging in on the Headquarters.'

Title: Re: An expedition: [20:00 GMT Tonight!]
Post by: Darcy O'Connor on August 15, 2006, 04:54:00 pm
Huzzah! *Runs off to prepare rum and a fishing pole, and maybe her weapon*