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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on August 14, 2006, 01:37:08 am

Title: A hunt to Ilshenar
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 14, 2006, 01:37:08 am

Led by: Vince Valentine

Attending guardsmen:
Joey Lanai
Kado Gael (Left early)
Salick Kaysen
Darcy O'Connor

To end up somewhere in Honor and slay whatever crosses our path. Also to collect some gold, as you do in any average hunt!

We met at the Minoc Moongate and waited for stragglers, who were quite tardy. Vince then led us all to Honor, where we were told that he was just leading us to wherever we ended up. We ended up in a dungeon, after slicing our way through a lot of Ratmen, which was quite annoying because they were shooting from up on another floor. Me and Salick had to shoot back up at them, even though often we couldn't actually see our targets. They went down with a crash, though!
As I said above, after the Ratmen had been ridden, we made our way into a dungeon, which was clad with Skeletons of all shapes and sizes. Yum.
We hacked our way through those a lot, finding different rooms with strange mages in them. At one point we lost Kado along the way, whom we had to run back for and wait for him to wake up because some kind of deadite had grabbed him whilst sleeping or something. After that, we carried on progressing through this dungeon. We fell upon tracks of blood in footstep-form, so we stood and discussed whether we should go in or not. Which we did. We weren't too suprised to find ourselves standing in a huge pool of blood, along with blood monsters and other vile creatures.
That was where a few of us got knocked a couple of times, as there were too many of them and we kept slipping on all that blood! What a stench it made! However, we got back on our feet and slayed them, then made haste to the exit after throwing a couple more to the floor. The place where we exited the dungeon was soon invaded by a dragoon-looking figure on a swamp dragon, so we obviously had to take him down too. After Vince and Salick (Or Darcy.. Whichever one of you it was) had washed their hands and face.. And Vince drank some of the water that was around (Which as someone said - Most likely someone had died there or something) in that trough-like thing, we headed home.

It was an overall good hunt, and there were no major injuries. We collected over ten thousand gold and Vince led us all very well, and most of us didn't fail to obey his orders.

Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Junior Scout.

Title: Re: A hunt to Ilshenar
Post by: Darcy O'Connor on August 14, 2006, 11:14:56 am
A grand hunt, came back with a few bruises mind...

Title: Re: A hunt to Ilshenar
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 14, 2006, 03:54:03 pm
*Nods with a grin*
Twas indeed quite the trip. A few bruises will do you good young lady, it's
character building don't you know! Nicely documented Kelly, keep up the good work

              Vince Valentine
          Grenadier Sergeant