Title: A Guardsman's Equipment
Post by: Samuel West on August 21, 2006, 10:43:25 pm
Every Guardsman should have a pack full off all the equipment they will need, this is a list of recomended equipment. Survival equipment- A Roll Mat
- A Torch (Lantern may be carried as well as a torch)
- Oil (If Lantern is carried)
- Night Sight Potions
- Rations
- 2 Kindling
- Combat knive (Skinning knive)
- 100 bandages minimum (Though some squads may frown apon this lowly number)
Parade Equipment- Parade arm (Spear for Light Company, Halberd for everyone else)
- Covian Headress (Bandana for watchman/recruits, Cap for everyone else)
- Apropriate Uniform, Polished (100% Duribility)
Battle Equipment- Apropriate uniform, good standerd (75% or more duribility)
- A range of weapons for different effects
- A shield (If used)
- Helmit
- Bandages (Survival equipment plus)
Out of Duty equipment (Optional though recomended) - Apropriate Civilian clothing (Nothing that coul be described as under clothed)
- Drink!