Title: A Scout Outpost - Minoc/Vesper Crossroads. Post by: Salick Kaysen on August 22, 2006, 11:03:39 am Being a scout recruit, im always looking for ways to
Such a structure would do no good if it was obvious to the eye however, and so the idea for the scout lookout was born. The lookout would combine a small concealed camp with a hide, concealed in the trees next to the road, with a similarly covered path from camp to hide. In this way, the road can be observed with noone walking the road noticing. I started by setting up the hide in a collection of trees next to the road, at a location i had decided would be best for the purpose - right next to the Minoc/Vesper crossroads. After some problems with the local snake population, the lookout was well on its way. Using branch-lattices woven with leaves and branches, the entire hide was concealed, until it was near invisible from the road. A concealed path was set up which lead back the camp. A simple place for the scouts on duty to rest when it is not their shift. A log book was included so that reports can be made as to acvitity on the road. I hope in the future to set up scout outposts all around the local area, up towards altmere, and even up to the Yew border, to gather intelligence on our foes. (http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/209/outpostcollagell6.jpg) Attending Guardsmen - Salick Kaysen - Leader and Builder Hoagie - Spectator - Helped build a bit Teagan Trix - Entertainer Amy - Guardsman Recruit Kelly - Junior Scout - Signed Salick Kaysen |