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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on August 22, 2006, 01:22:14 pm

Title: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 22, 2006, 01:22:14 pm
So Raiden has been in BoC for approx 12 months :)

Here's a few hi-lights of his time so far.

RECRUIT - Had to fight a duel with Seamus minutes after signing up to test his metal. I was a noooob and didnt know if i was allowed to heal myself so got pwned :P

Like so many recruits i fell off the old barracks rooftop many times whilst doing laps :D

Got knocked after 3 seconds approx in my first battle (which was still 1 sec more than Veldrin :P)

I also remember some huge meeting at the castle in Britain and all we did was chant FOR COVE!!! constantly :D

Storming the swaggers and having to guard the stairway with another recruit.

WATCHMAN - Ahmed, Odentheus and me doing the orc fort - ahmed burning it to the ground.

The tavern night as part of my watchman's trials - getting sloshed seeing Hoagie eat a whole pig and then Erik whisking us of to trinsic where we ended up getting an armed escort to the moongate :) while we did the conga half naked :P

Closing backpack often while trying to click bandies in combat :P :P

Easons alleged assassination.

JUNIOR - My Grenadier trials to get a trophy - golden vial of blood elemental or somesuch :) Quite possibly the longest hunt in living memory. Must have wandered around blood dungeon for ages until a blood ellie parra spawned and then about 3 or 4 spawned at once. A lot of insurance money later i managed to get my trophy and get everyone the fark outta there. One of the hardest fought victories for BoC and i still aint got the 200pts renoun :P

Next part of Grenadier trials slay an ice fiend with fellow Grenadiers. Well i think erik was the only active grenadier at the time so off we went. We slayed about half a dozen of them and got back in time for tea :P A lot smoother than my previous hunt.

Staying in Cove after the split to Yew.

REGULAR - Grenadiers became a ranged unit, Highlanders and Dragoons formed. Became first name (other than rory/octi) to be entered into the Highlander tome. Got a bit better in combat (full plate armour must have helped a little or was it uoasist ;))

SENIOR - Allegedly became the first person to rise through every rank to achieve the title Senior Guardsman(well according to the guy who promoted me :P). V. proud ;).

Hatching a plot in the swaggers lavatory with a famed former commander to arrange an ... accident to a certain LADY'S husband to leave the way clear for said former commander to make a move :D

Highlanders disbanded so back to the Grenadiers with Vince and Vlad HUZZAH!!

Last sundays Grenadier training... well up until vince got us all slaughtered in destard and then the battle later was another great moment with the guys in our party ;)

Well a few fond memories from the last year that i thought i'd share with you.

Probably more i've forgot but these were some of the fun ones.

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Octiovus on August 22, 2006, 02:22:35 pm
BoC Nostalgia!

Ahh. Glad you've enjoyed your time so far! Let's hope you get another 12 months.

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Garak Nightchill on August 22, 2006, 05:28:46 pm
You missed Joey's panda hunt.  You fail at BoC.  :p

Seriously, sounds cool. 

I remember the infamous Covian Conga in Trinsic.  Nothing beats Erik screaming DISCIPLINE! in the Keg & Anchor, followed by Trackers Line! and then ... CONGA! I think I had Roland (either a Recruit or a Watchman at that point) confess to drunkeness at the following Mass because of it :)

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: John Dell on August 22, 2006, 05:41:08 pm
Does it count if your main character haven't been in boc for a year but you have? Cuss I left boc with John (when was the merging?) Well just a few months before a whole year. Been here one and a half now I reckon though. Maybe I should one of these when I reach 2 years? :D

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Gregor Eason on August 22, 2006, 08:53:14 pm
SENIOR - Allegedly became the first person to rise through every rank to achieve the title Senior Guardsman(well according to the guy who promoted me :P). V. proud ;).


Hatching a plot in the swaggers lavatory with a famed former commander to arrange an ... accident to a certain LADY'S husband to leave the way clear for said former commander to make a move :D

.....! I'm innocent!!

Seriously man, its been great fun having you in BoC. You're a REAL Veteran now :D
Hope you have many more adventures in Cove!

And John, its really the character we honour. But the player is just important.
What am I saying?

Yo a Vet too ;)

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Mela Arkay on August 22, 2006, 08:55:33 pm
*Eyes Hoagie*

He ate a whole pig?

*Eyes Erik*

You did the conga half naked and Mela wasn't invited?

*Eyes Vincent*

You did work?!


Nice memorys though i forgot most of my stuff.

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Jenifer Feather on August 23, 2006, 02:04:35 pm
Yeah i cant store alot of whats happened to me in my tiny little brain, and i lost all my old screenshots, with the laptop move and all that, ghey, but yeah theres been countless memories, ^.^

*Ponders how long hes been part of BoC*

[EDIT]  w00t Jenifers been here over a year and Vandrick was there for a good few months before that probly about 6... Go me[/EDIT]

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Jenifer Feather on August 23, 2006, 02:29:24 pm
Jenifer First 12 Months of BoC action...


Ahhh little Jenifer the Recruit, bless her, shes so cute! Heh, looking back through the forum it took me to page 59 to discover my first report on a hunt to despise! Go me! Heh, i remember the hunt now that i look at it! Was a good laugh! Anything led by Ahmed tended to be exciting =P   Me and a Recruit Called Dalamar! Who became a scout but disapaered.. shame.


My favourite Rank... dont know why, i just enjoy being a watchman! =P  Getting the 10'000 gold is ALWAYS fun, Jenifer Fecking hates Harpes so took this as an opportunity to destroy them, and lots of them. Also headed to despise alone to prove her worth, which she did, impressive lass! (Cant work out how to post threads... Gah)  Alot of the time i was online on my own at this point, damn activity! So i did alot of solo supply runs and stuff, things that are just enjoyable and gets a report done =P im a promotion devil ^.^  Ha! Alot of flirting with Ol'  Junior Vince Valentine at this point!

Lots of reports on "militia trainings" here, back when Cove was still only a militia, aww, poor 'ickle Cove. ^.^ Loads of fun as  a Junior. There was this odd thing that happened, me and Kurt were outside the barracks and some NPC guy was like "Die infidels!" and a load of sprouty plant things came out of the floor and attacked us.... very odd. Ha! And my fondest memory... the Trinsic Pub Crawl... Deary me we got in trouble for that! (Gah REALLY want to link to the report on that... its on page 38 for those interested! its a cracker) Anari begins to get involved with Jen, he's very forward. Jen, begins to like Anari, knowing that really really she wants to be with Vince, and gets VERY confused.

Junior Scout!

Har! The Scout trials! The Joys!! We're pretty hard actually! Had to get my stealing to like 70 and then become a memeber of the thief guild and all sorts... deary me! Fun though, finally got to where i wanted to be... BUT the power hunger began... So once again Jen begins work on her promotion requirements... Loads of sentires with Chaffers being a "bandit" to pass the time! Cant go wrong! ^.^

Regular Scout!

Was a regular for a long time! I did make a good bash at the requirements for senior though! was VERY close... But was beaten by Raiden =P "Jenifers Tokuno Expedition" Begins, mapping of Tokuno and the likes, THAT was really fun to lead ^.^ Also, the SoS group... Supreme Outdoor Survivalists. Only three people EVER completed that course! Was LOADS of fun..   Regular was a good time.. Anari leaves, Jen begins to get internal and depressed, bless.

Officer Cadet/Scout Sergeant!

And here we are now! A year later and im in charge of zzhe Scouts! Can't be faulted! Loved EVERY minute of it! Some comedic trips to SK, always a laugh, some hairy moments where we scouts have ended up nearly killing people because we got scared.. bless.. but all in all, aweosme times everyone! ^.^ Oh and on the Vince front theres the whole Vince, Kelly, Jen thing going down, made worse by the SCANDAL that was in the poste! =P

and thats my story!

Yeah... I think that makes me a Vet'.. =P

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 23, 2006, 02:42:36 pm
Hehe i can remeber jen, vince and raiden coming through the ranks together.

Vince was always first :P

Got promoted to watchman the week before me, junior a week before me, GRENADIERS'S a week before me *cackles*   ;D

And he had all the luck with the ladies too  ;)

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Hrothgar on August 23, 2006, 04:42:21 pm
Hrothgars uhm.... how many months in BoC?

Gonna try remember my storyline in BoC... here goes..


Indeed, my first rank in BoC was captain, but that was at the time BoC consisted of like 8 people and were a sub-guild of -V-. I was the leader of the Barons Blades, his elite bodyguards.


Did a little dissapearing after a while as Captain, left BoC to focus more on my own guild The Black Drake Syndicate.

Senior Guardsman

I returned to Cove after my own guild had disbanded, this was shortly after BoC became its own guild and had its own guildstone. Was given Senior rank due to my previous experience in the guild.


One day i walk into Baron Octiovus' office, spoke to him for a while and as i walked out of his office i walked out as Captain with a grave task in my hands. The Baron assigned me to found and lead a new division of elite bodyguards much like the old Blades, thus "The Grenadiers" were founded. This era actually involved the supposed death of Eason where i was actually charged with the leadership of the "Militia" as it was called in those days. Hrothgar remains Captain for a while until he gets assaulted by a necromancer and presumed dead by the Militia.

Drill Sergeant

The dead live again, Hrothgar makes his way to Cove claiming to have been kidnapped by Umbrian necromancers. Many suspected that he began working for the necromancers but other believed his story of being a prisoner. After gaining a Senior rank again he worked his way upto Drill Sergeant where he was entrusted with enforcing discipline in the Militia.


Cove splits into two, one half buggers off to yew and the other stay's behind. Baron Octiovus made his way to Yew along with Hrothgar leading the men. Once a Covian always a Covian, Yew turns out to be a dirty loyalist hole and the guardsmen revolt agains Klion and turn back to Cove along with Octiovus who claimed to have been forced by Klion to join yew.


We came back to Cove and today Hrothgar is the Corporal of the Grenadiers.

Some details might be false, i got a hectic memory... to much drinking as Oct puts it. 

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 23, 2006, 04:55:50 pm
*Grins* Ahh happy memories indeed Raiden.
Congrats on your first year! Rarr!

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Garak Nightchill on August 23, 2006, 10:29:14 pm

Roland joins BoC, having met Kiran and Veldrin.

Cue Covian Congas and panda hunts


Some of the above may apply.  Half leave for Yew, Roland stays.  Eason kills a priest during Mass and locks up another.  Roland, Grief and Erik knock him down and arrest Eason.  Roland turns up later and finda revolt in place reinstating Eason.  Roland heads to Yew and becomes a Templi...

Garak joins...


Erik doesnt think Garak's up to it.  Garak proves he is (*cough* elf - human quest *cough*) 

Garak gets mentored by Eason.  Eason loses a battle and quits as commander.

Garak goes on a long bender (i.e Garak's player goes travelling).

Garak returns and Erik becomes Garak's mentor.  Erik quits as captain.  (pattern forming?)

Roland returns to Cove as Templi.

(What next...?  Baron mentors Garak and becomes shoe-shine boy....?)  The curse of Nightchill shall strike again!!!

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Delcarakdur on August 23, 2006, 11:23:42 pm
You're Not the only one. Gonna have winter warfare exercise with english troops btw eason.

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Gregor Eason on August 24, 2006, 12:25:02 pm
You're Not the only one. Gonna have winter warfare exercise with english troops btw eason.

Have fun ;p

Don't take any shit from them!

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Octiovus on August 24, 2006, 03:31:47 pm
Do I count as a veteran?


Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Hrothgar on August 24, 2006, 03:33:31 pm
Who are you?

Title: Re: First 12 months in BoC :)
Post by: Samuel West on August 24, 2006, 04:50:23 pm
You're Not the only one. Gonna have winter warfare exercise with english troops btw eason.

I wanna come!!