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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on August 26, 2006, 11:21:56 pm

Title: A Very Covian Adventure
Post by: Vince Valentine on August 26, 2006, 11:21:56 pm
Guardsmen present:

Kal Shadowhand         Officer cadet, scouts
Demarian Tel'var          Regular Grenadier (Joined at shame)
Vince Valentine            Grenadier Sergeant

T'was a warm and pleasant eve, as Kal and Vince we're chatting lazily on the steps of the great Covian barracks. Being the strapping heroes that they are, they decided that would not do, and promptly decided to head to the stinking swamps to patrol, and kill whatever needed killing.
The path there was even laced with danger, with the brave covians assualted at every corner!


There was even a strange old fella who seemed to know his magics, who mercilessly assaulted us! Defending ourselves, we knocked him out cold, and he released a piece of a map from his grizzled old hand.

We pocketed this, and continued on our journey. As we reached the swamp, we were cleary thrilled to be there...


After a good old Covian swamp bashing, Kal and I decided to take a break at the crossroads guardhouse. As we chatted, the map we'd found earlier came up. We would follow this map! Oh yes! To riches and glory, or so we hoped....


The map seemed to point towards shame, the dungeon of many elementals, so off we went! Deeper, until we were up against foes of all kinds, from whooshing air beasts, to ancient sea monsters of enormous size!


As we crossed the bridge deep inside, we were assaulted by a sea dwelling creature of great strength! We had to take it down, as we are Covians, and Covians don't run!
Scary bugger it was though....


With the beast sunjued, we continued, only to be met by a familiar looking face....
Twas our very own grenadier Vlad, or should that be Demarian...


With our team one stronger, we headed deeper still, untill we came to where the map had a big fat x marked. This was it, we readied ourselves, entered the alcove and found....nothing.
Disappointed to say the least, we searched the area closely, finding only a small amount of gold, and some mysterious directions....


The note we found read :

Follow these directions to reach the final resting place of my fine master, and thus all of his earthly riches. *Signed* Jeeves, the faithful butler.
Now, this made interesting reading....
Riches, who know's how many!? We hastily retreated from the dank dungeon, headed for the peaceful town of Haven, which was where the directions began.
Trudging through the wilderness surrounding Haven, we came across many perils, including an ettin which we dealt with maturely and effectivly


Suddenly, we came to it....
A large stone tower, which seemingly had no entrance. Being grenadiers, we swiftly fixed that little problem! hah! What lay inside took our breath away! Riches piled as high as can be!


After a sweep of the interior, we loaded our packs to the brim. the rest would have to be picked up by our fine civilians of Cove. our job done, we headed back to Cove, our packs heavy with gold that would go straight to the Baronships cause.
A grand job by all guardsmen attending, who acted with true Covian swagger throughout the journey.

          Vince Valentine
       Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: A Very Covian Adventure
Post by: Hoagie on August 27, 2006, 01:35:14 am
*Eyes the last sketch*

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Thats my loot!