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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Joey Lanai on August 27, 2006, 09:41:42 am

Title: Joey Lanai
Post by: Joey Lanai on August 27, 2006, 09:41:42 am


Full Name:  Joseph Steven Lanai

Known as:  Joey

Age:  26

Appearance: Joey Stands at 6 feet tall exactly, he's built that of you'd expect from a young man of his particular field, broad shoulders, strong arms, toned muscles, but not overly built. He has long, dark ginger hair which is usually tied back and a small beard with some light stubble along his cheeks. His eyes are a dark brown and when visible, a tattoo of a small dragon like symbol can be seen on his right bicep.

Background: Joey was born in Tokuno and raised until the age of 8 with his grandfather, eventually moving in with his parents who lived in Britain, then resettling again when he turned 15 in Minoc, where he passed his time by working part time at the local tavern as a waiter, and soon after part of the bar staff.

Joey, being not the brightest of folk, had trouble getting work elsewhere, until he heard of a new Militia building to the south, seeing his chance he set off to join this militia, and prove his worth among the people of the north.

As a child, Joey's father would tell Joey fairy tales of how his grandfather Heroically defeated [oversized beasts and saved the day, Joey being none to bright believed these stories as fact and grew up believing he should follow in his grandfathers footsteps and become the great Hero the world had ever seen...

Quotes: "Never Fear, Joey's Here!" "Hoo Hah!" "One more f'the Jo!"