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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Garak Nightchill on August 31, 2006, 12:46:13 pm

Title: Report: Recon Hunt to Wrong
Post by: Garak Nightchill on August 31, 2006, 12:46:13 pm
When: Wednesday 31st August
Where: Dungeon Wrong

Led by: Garak Nightchill, Watchman

Attended by:

Hoagie, Regular Dragoon
Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman
Vlad Demarion Tel'var, Regular Grenadier

With heavy losses sustained all over the land after the ofid ofad  ophedeen snake invasion, some of our other foes have been trying to take advantage of this such as the orcs.  But what of our other foes?

I decided to lead a reconaysans scout mission to the dungeon Wrong, the only Juka stronghold in Britannia.  Sadly there were no scouts available so we scouted real noisy-like.  We found some fairly heavy resistance, clearly the Juka have been moving forces and troops into Wrong, possibly as a prelood to another invasion.  So we killed lots of them dead and left after thinning their numbers. 


But I'm thinking we should take the fight to them, see how they like the taste of cold covian steel up their nether regions.  I'm drawing up a proposal for a campaign to systematically hit all the Juka strongholds over the next few weeks to teach them that Cove will be nay easy meat! 

If all goes well the next stage of the campaign will be to link up with the Meer in Lakeshire, and then onto Mistas to slaughter the garrison.  My own reconays scouting revealed that Mistas was the staging ground for the troops they moved from Ilshenar to Wrong, via the Justice moongate. 


Over 10,000 crowns were raised for the coffers, as soon as I find someone to hand it in to.  Best be quick before I spent it on ale  in case I get robbed.


Garak Nightchill

Title: Re: Report: Recon Hunt to Wrong
Post by: userjosh5368 on September 01, 2006, 01:55:26 am
Smashin report Watchman er be a Junior in no time keep up the good work laddy!

Demarian Tel'var

Title: Re: Report: Recon Hunt to Wrong
Post by: Vince Valentine on September 01, 2006, 07:49:56 am
An invasion you say??!!
You must be 'Jukan'
Gwahahahah! Gettit? Jukan, jokin'?
*Tumbleweed rolls past*
Fine, suit yeselves, miserable buggers, no one apprieciates my humour....
*Walks off muttering to himself*
         Vince Valentine
       Grenadier Sergeant