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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hoagie on September 03, 2006, 12:48:26 pm

Title: Hunt to Covetous
Post by: Hoagie on September 03, 2006, 12:48:26 pm
Lead by:    Kurt,                    Regular Guardsman
Attending: Flina Trix,             Guardsman Recruit
                 S'ilar S'adow,        Guardsman Recruit
                 Conan Darkmoon, Watchman

Regular Guardsman Kurt lead a late night hunt to the dungeon of Covetous. Despite being a fairly short hunt, we managed to get a respectable 7000 coins for the coffers.


Kurt lead the group into Covetous as far as the Gazer room, staying there for a short time. At this point, S'ilar S'adow and Conan Darkmoon had to leave, just as Kurt was about to relinquish control of the group to Conan.


A forced march to the barracks was called, where we met up to pool our gold and call the hunt to an end.
