Title: Administration Profiles Updated! [PR] Post by: Darath Mithar on September 03, 2006, 03:54:07 pm The Administration Profiles of each member have (finally) been updated. In addition to this the forum and a number of internal admin processes have been overhauled. This revamp will now ensure that the administration side of the guild will be running like an extremely well oiled machine. Most noticeable will be the fact that admin shall be updated at least twice a week.
The command team would like to apologise to you for this delay. There have been a number of internal changeovers and ideas being thrown around which have effectively hindered us over the past few weeks. However we are now back on track and ready again to push things forward! Administration duties have now been passed over to Darath Mithar and therefore any queries regarding this should be taken up with him. FOR COVE! |