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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on September 05, 2006, 08:37:26 am

Title: A note to Salick Kaysen and Conan Darkmoon
Post by: Vince Valentine on September 05, 2006, 08:37:26 am
Greetings lads, I've been noting you progress within the army and i must say, i'm impressed. Now, i have a little task for you....

Currently, i have a Grenadier project in the works. It's all very hush hush, but i shall require you to gather some vital equiptment to set the wheels in motion!

These are the items i shall need:
200 pieces of folded cloth
1000 logs/boards
10 shadow ore
10 normal ore
20 bottles of assorted alcohol
10 lanterns

Now, these items may not seem so hard to aquire, but they'll be rather tricky, as i have a few conditions. You see, i don't want anyone snooping around asking what we're up to, so under no circumstances buy these items from any kind of shop!


None of the list is to be purchased from anywhere. They must be gotten by other means. Be creative, there are lots of ways to get the items, such as spinning cotton, looting monsters and other such delightful activities.

These items must be collected discreetly! Ideally the pair of you would do this together, but if that's not possible, either of you may be accompanied by just one other guardsman. Don't tell them what your up to though, make up a convincing story.

You may gather multiple items at once, but try to share the workload equally if you can't gather together.
(OOC: Try to stay in contact with each other via PMs on this board, and whatever messaging programme you use. :OOC)

All gathering shall require a report, posted in this thread.
Good luck lads, make old Vince proud eh?

      Vince Valentine
   Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: A note to Salick Kaysen and Conan Darkmoor
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on September 05, 2006, 03:11:30 pm
 I'll do mah best Sah'!

 OOC: It's Darkmoon...  ;D