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In Character Boards => Old Announcements => Topic started by: Garak Nightchill on September 11, 2006, 09:45:27 pm

Title: REMINDER! If you fall in battle, Logging on and fighting as an Alt is Forbidden!
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 11, 2006, 09:45:27 pm
To clarify, if you're fighting in a battle and 'die', logging in on an alt and rejoinng the battle is strictly forbidden!


Title: Re: REMINDER! If you fall in battle, Logging on and fighting as an Alt is Forbidden!
Post by: userjosh5368 on February 02, 2007, 10:06:21 am
Just saw this old post don't we have if in home terriroty say fighting in cove we can use alts that are covian right or has that been scrapped'?

Title: Re: REMINDER! If you fall in battle, Logging on and fighting as an Alt is Forbidden!
Post by: Garak Nightchill on February 02, 2007, 12:44:01 pm
The new ruleset does allow it if in your home territory, and during at least one battle recently some of us did it.

It's a good rule in that it reflects an army defending their home and having reinforcements at hand;

It's bad in that it can encourage people to dump alts into a guild and simply cycle through them.

I'll get clarification if we're going to kep this rule or stick to the previous 'no alt-switching'.