Title: [COMPLETE] Recovering the gem...Tuesday 19th September 8.30pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on September 18, 2006, 01:17:48 pm When: Tuesday 19th September 8.30pmGMT
Where: Gather at Minoc Moongate What to bring: Full battle armour, bandages, weapons, a tool to dig with Deep within the ancient caves, there lies a jewel of ancient origin. He who holds this jewel will truly command great power.... Ancient text We've got a lead guardsmen! After years of studying, scribes have concluded that the ancient caves mentioned are none other than those of Shame. We shall venture forth and attempt to find this so called Jewel, and bring it back to Cove for closer investigation. As usual, we'll be up against the odds, so come well prepared. Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |