Title: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Military Command on September 19, 2006, 09:08:21 pm Garak..Garak.. which ones that? The elf you say? Oh yes the elf. Good lad, does as he's told, well disciplined. Now let's see... Scout trials he needs?
Greetings Garak. Congratulations on reaching the rank of Junior and earning your Covian cap but now its time to try earn the green. Listed below are a set of tasks you must complete before you can be allowed into the Light Company, take your time completing them there is no rush. For each task a separate report must be done and pinned below this message. Task One Task Two Task Three You are to attend a Scout Training session, that will be held by either Sergeant Jenifer or Mela Arkay. Soon that will prepare you for your future in the Scouts. Good luck! *Signed and Stamped* - Covian Military Command Title: Re: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 19, 2006, 09:26:23 pm I've been promoted to Regular after only just being promoted to Junior? Excellent! My true worth has finally been recognised!
*Frowns* Or it's a mistake. Oh well, to the Trials then. Title: Re: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 29, 2006, 02:26:02 pm The Flute:
With the old woman living so near that den of Loyalist Oppression, namely Stonekeep, a clever disguise was needed in case my scouting tactics failed. So I removed my cap, kilt and sash when near Yew or Stonekeep. Clever eh? I found the old woman, found the corpse of her apprentice and reported back to the old crone. She then wanted me to track down the imp who killed the apprentice, so I decided to interrogate some imps, and ran to the Hedge Maze. After killing a few one confessed and gave me a map and a flute. I then tracked down the imp but the little wretch nicked me flute and vanished. So I returned to the old crone who ssaid to kill more imps. I then returned to the maze, killed an imp and got it's flute. Mission accomplished. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/flute.jpg) Signed, Garak Nightchill Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Garak Nightchill on October 06, 2006, 05:15:20 pm The Leather:
The second of my tasks awaited, the daunting task of killing and skinning dragons. For this task I'd need some great warriors. Unfortunately I couldn't find any so I had to make do with whoever was around. The Father himself joined us to make sure it was conducted in an Avatarian way. We felt especially Led by: Garak Nightchill, Junior Guardsman Attended: Hugo, Templar Preceptor Tyrael Styx, Guardsman Recruit Gord Blackwell, Junior Guardsman Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout Dinah, Guardsman Recruit Ira Sanquistat, Guardsman Recruit Claire, Common Hunter We went to Destard and after killing lots of dragons and drakes, we eventually gathered the needed leather and hastily returned to Cove. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/scout2-1.jpg) Signed, Garak Nightchill, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Military Command on October 06, 2006, 07:14:39 pm Excellent work Garak. One more left.
*Signed and Stamped* - Covian Military Command Title: Re: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Garak Nightchill on October 08, 2006, 07:16:53 pm Scout Training:
When: Sunday 8th October Where: Scout Field Led by: Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout Attended by: Kelly, Junior Scout Garak Nightchill, Junior Guardsman Regular Serpernt led me training in the Scout field and we covered the basic philosphy of battling as a scout such as Attack, Run, Heal and Hide, then Attack. He explained that we fight without metal armour and without people to heal us so teamwork is important, as is coordinated fighting. We need to take a foe down in the first wave. Ideally we'd have people poison, use the mortal strike manouver and a heavy concussing blow. Bleeding can be useful if nay poisoner. He covered the ways in which I as an arcanist can help, by poisoning a lot, healing from afar and doing the odd damage spell. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/scout3-1.jpg) Signed, Garak Nightchill Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Scout Trials: Garak Nightchill Post by: Mela Arkay on October 08, 2006, 09:16:05 pm (OOC: Sorry for not being there to do your training I stayed in Nottingham and went plastic sword and duck shopping.)