Title: The Light Company Prevails! - Imposters Post by: Valiro Gryphonclaw on September 27, 2006, 05:29:01 pm Greetings!
At the evening yesteday , a group of Kaldorians arrived to Cove. Many new faces which glad the Covians of the Northen Alliance. Also two new recruits got signed up.. A very good day , perhaps too good? It all started to make me suspicious , I am quite often. So I went to Trinsic to find a Kaldorian soldier who could tell me about their forces. Soon I passed the gates of Trinsic and moved on the to Tavern called " The Anchor and Keg". I stepped inside , and with a suprise I saw three workers from Swaggers! I greeted them , and it's not bad that the alliance are getting tight. I did also reconize abit disguised Kaldorian who fought with us before.. This was my moment to ask. A few moments later when I'd spoke to the Kaldorian , she said all Kaldorians were at sleep and she wasn't aware of anything going around in Cove. She also said she were suspicious about those three from Swaggers , they didn't seem to know the Leader of their company! Anna Spoon! We decided to keep an eye on them. I was just on my way out for some fresh air when I ran into a Covian recruit! He reported and said he were sent. I ordered him to go back to Cove , but he insisted and said the Commander sent him. Another Recruit came abit after , but she went to the Tavern for a drink. After this I sent two letters , One to warn our Commander Shadwell , of the Kaldorians in Cove.. And a second to a good friend from Vesper Trading Company. By this time , many had arrived.. Kaldorians , Covians.. and even Trinsicians! The new arrived Kaldorian had a very angry attitude to the Covian Recruits. By this time I did also send a letter to Cove to make sure no Recruit were ordered to go to Trinsic. The moment got very confused , and the only one I really knew were from Cove was Kal Shadowhand who stood in the Shadows for all time. And finally the man from the Vesper Trading company arrived , he took a look at the personel , and he didn't reconize one of them! Imposters!! I kept them under sight , and tried to ask them their real name.. One refused , the second gave me an offer , and the third told same name as before. After many clues and pondering , we were able ensure that one of them were an imposter , but from where we couln’t find out. I attempted to arrest him and he refused , and he forced me to attack. At that moment the rest of the imposters started to attack , and fought good , though Kal heard my command and fast as a lightning he came out of shadow and assisted me striking down our opponents the imposters. After lot’s of confusion and trouble , we solved it. Kal got Trinsic barricaded and everyone that left was to be searched. A few members of the Kaldorian clan escorted me home to Cove , and there I thanked them. For the Northen Alliance! – the light company prevails (http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/56/imposterft5.png) And remember to learn to know your friends and allies! *Signed* Senior Scout Valiro Gryphonclaw Title: Re: The Light Company Prevails! - Imposters Post by: Kal/Mathew on September 27, 2006, 05:51:05 pm Aye Ser, Tha' beh 'ow et 'appened. I will keep an eye fer em imposters more now than ever. Ef the same ones come back I know thar faces, and they will fall loike the ones in Trinsic. Miss Jennifer Ma'am, Wit yer permission I woul' loike ta keep an eye en Trinsic ta make em sure imposters ney try ta fool them again as well.
Signed Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand Title: Re: The Light Company Prevails! - Imposters Post by: Jenifer Feather on September 29, 2006, 09:13:25 am Aye Aye! Permission granted! Don't want any DAMN imposters around!
Signed : Jenifer Feather |