Title: Rocking Covetous, Vincey style! Post by: Vince Valentine on September 28, 2006, 08:38:05 am [Training session led by Vince Valentine]
Guardsmen attending: Team Sendrich Team Hoagie Thomas Sendrich Hoagie Edmund Rufus Flina Trix Kal Shadowhand Demarian Tel'var Vince Valentine Averian The game was simple. Be the team with the most gold after the set time limit. With the Dragoons leading the teams, we began! We slayed all that we found, looting their foul smelling, no doubt stolen gold. (http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/4519/c1hk3.jpg) At one point, we heard the girlish sqeals of the other team, and figured they'd found something pretty or something, so on we went! Before we knew it, the time limit was up, and i oredered both teams to the entrance. Unfortunatly, Team Sendrich didn't quite make the grade, with team Hoagie gathering almost double! Nevertheless, a grand effort by all members, well done Cove! Final totals Team Sendrich: 14784 gold coins Team Hoagie: 26973 gold coins Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Rocking Covetous, Vincey style! Post by: Teagan Grayner on September 28, 2006, 05:44:07 pm Actually Vince, its Flina Trix my little sister who attended not me
- Teagan Trix |