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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Garak Nightchill on September 29, 2006, 12:22:49 am

Title: A warning
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 29, 2006, 12:22:49 am
As you all know the CoRE forums went down.  The Grd forums have also gone down recently.  I visited both the old (pre July) Grd forums and the new ones, and on immediately visiting both old and new, executable programs attempted to contact the internet, flagged up by my firewall.  These programs appeared on my C drive immediately after visiting both the old Grd forum and the new one. 

I attempted to visit a link leading to the new Grd forum a few minutes ago and my virus checker launched a warning re some trojan horses.   I'd advise avoiding the Grd forums in the meantime. 

Title: Re: A warning
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 29, 2006, 12:26:50 am
Also, if you've recently visited any sites/forums which may have been compromised, it might be a good idea to ensure all firewall/virus checker/spyware checker programs are up to date.  And once you're happy your system is protected, change your UO password.

Title: Re: A warning
Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 30, 2006, 11:10:24 pm
The Grd forums seem to be fine now for those interested in seeing what the Loyalist Oppressors get up to.

Title: Re: A warning
Post by: Locke DaOrt on October 03, 2006, 11:03:31 am
Fraid to tell you its a defense Mechanism, we grew tired of you covian swines stealing our secrets