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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Jenifer Feather on September 29, 2006, 04:35:31 pm

Title: Jenifer Feather
Post by: Jenifer Feather on September 29, 2006, 04:35:31 pm
An extract from Jenifer's application form to the Baronship...

Name: Jenifer Feather
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Position Applied For: Recruit

Skills: I'm good at keeping myself unseen, moving about in the shadows and what not. You may believe that that makes me weak, and of course, being a woman makes me weaker still, but this is far from the truth. I am skilled with my dagger and spear to the point where i hardly miss. Also, i can add poison to weapons, this is a skill i am not so proud of, seems underhand but in battle i must do what i can to survive.

History: Born and raised in Cove, until the age of five, when my parents both joined the Militia and left me in the care of an uncle. Growing up basically alone i did what i could on the streets, this is where i learnt to keep myself hidden, as people don't tend to enjoy looking at a scabby little child. After surviving to the age of thirteen with my uncle i decided it was time to lighten his burdon, so i left home. Lived alone in the Altmere swamps for a while learnt to survive and use a branch as a weapon, the branch fighting style was similar to a Kryss so this is where my fencing skill comes from. Reaching the age of twenty i decided it was time to do something with my life, and in search of my parents i seek to join the Covian Militia.

Sign here... Jenifer feather

A Portrait of Jenifer

Service History:
Served in the Kaldorian Line campaign.
Served in the liberation of Minoc campaign.

Awards and Medals:
Received the Covian Seal for displaying a deep loyalty to Cove.
Received the Order of Recruitment for displaying tireless efforts of recruitment.

Notable Moments:
During her trials to become the Scout Sergeant Jenifer led a disguised mission deep into StoneKeep which resulted in a drunken game of truth or dare with senior members of the Guardsmen Militia and a narrow escape from being burnt alive.

After becoming Scout Sergeant it didn't take long for Jenifer to get herself captured deep in the temples of Tokuno. After a daring rescue mission led by Mela and Kelly, Jenifer was able to return to Cove.

Jenifer is currently working towards regaining her position of command in the Scouts as an Officer Cadet.