Title: Dragoon Course: Enforcer of the Code (Part 2) Post by: Joey Lanai on September 30, 2006, 10:44:39 am Enforcer of the Code This week, the course continues with the next part of the Code. - Discipline - Every Dragoon upholds a strong sense of discipline. A Dragoon will not engage in idle jesting while on active duty, will follow every order blindly and they are impartial in all judgement over the men even those of family or friends unless clashing with the first Code. =========== Indeed all Dragoons must uphold a strong sense of discipline, and pass on that same discipline to the lower ranks. Lead by example. Your Tasks
I hope to see more of an effort here. *Signed* - Jo Lanai, Dragoon Sergeant Title: Re: Dragoon Course: Enforcer of the Code (Part 2) Post by: Samuel West on October 04, 2006, 07:39:33 pm I shall be right on it ser just give me a few more days
*Signed* Thomas Sendrich |