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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on October 01, 2006, 02:50:43 pm

Title: A Hunt in Tokuno
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on October 01, 2006, 02:50:43 pm
Dread Spiders

Led by: Kelly (Junior Scout)

Attending Guardsmen: Vince Valentine (Grenadier Sergeant) and Kal Shadowhand (Regular Scout).

We headed North-West on the first Island in Tokuno, to where the Dread Spiders reside. When we got to them, their spot was already covered in their own corpses: Obviously someone had already been there. But we weren't to know that the peace and quiet was soon to be broken by a lot of angry spiders incoming for us. We shot and bashed our way through them picking up plenty of gold, oblivious to the fact that a very mean man had decided he was going to bring a big beast our way, which we had no hope in heck of getting away from. Kal came to the rescue, taking the beast away from us whilst we got to our feet again after being knocked over.
We made our way with haste back to the moongate with all the piles of gold in bags, hoping that the beasts wouldn't return to us and knock us over again.


We collected a total amount of around twenty two thousand gold altogether, after ridding of all those gooey spidery things.

Not much more to say about where we went and what we did, as my memory is getting bad in my old age, you see.

Oh... And whoever the stupid bugger is that gave Vince that beard... You are forever on my list. So watch it.

Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Junior Scout.

Title: Re: A Hunt in Tokuno
Post by: Vince Valentine on October 03, 2006, 07:54:16 am
An excellent report my sweet, we sure showed those wall crawling abominations!
As for the beard......It was Hoagie

       Vince Valentine,
      Your Love Bunny
     Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: A Hunt in Tokuno
Post by: Mela Arkay on October 03, 2006, 03:48:22 pm
Excellent report my lass!

Scout Corporal