Title: [COMPLETE]Grenadier Training session Tuesday 3rd October 8pmGMT Post by: Vince Valentine on October 02, 2006, 03:12:47 pm When: Tuesday 3rd October 8pmGMT
Where: Gather at the Grenadier shack (Vlads house) What to bring: Full battle kit, many bandages and your Grenadier Swagger Conditions: You must be a Grenadier or the apprentice of a Grenadier Now then Grenadiers, Our last training session didn't go ahead as planned unfortunatly. Have no fear though, as it shall take place on the date stated above! Hoorah! We'll be practicing honourable fighting, general teamwork, and Insulting the enemy Grenadier style. All of you Grenadier apprentices, this is an ideal chance to see the finest of fine, manlyest of men in action. Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |