Title: Hunt to Despise Post by: Conan Darkmoon on October 03, 2006, 02:33:18 am Leading- Conan Darkmoon, Junior Guardsman
Attending- Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman, Del'Zar, Guardsman Recruit, Garnett, Guardsmen Recruit. We went to the despise dungeon by way of Del'Zar's travel book an' immediately started killin' the Ettins left and right. Then Kurt told us tha' it would be extra fun if we went to kill an Ogre Lord or two, we ended up going straight to "Orc Lord Island" where Kurt showed us how to succesfully skirmish an Orc Lord and eventually kill it, some of the best knowledge ive gotten so far. Signed, *Conan Darkmoon* Title: Re: Hunt to Despise Post by: Vince Valentine on October 03, 2006, 07:57:07 am Best knowledge so far!?
Have you forgotten my magnificent 'How to charm a lass' lesson? That's vital stuff Conan! Anywho, nice report, if a little brief. Try to draw a sketch or two next time as well eh? Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |