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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Teagan Grayner on October 04, 2006, 01:40:49 am

Title: *The Task board in The Green Goblin staff room*
Post by: Teagan Grayner on October 04, 2006, 01:40:49 am
(OOC: This post IC is only viewable by the staff and those with keys to The Green Goblin tavern./OOC)

Well my barmaids as you may have heard I've been appointed 'Head Barmaid' by the boss (Grief) and it is my duty as Head Barmaid to get all the bar staff organized. My job includes, sorting tasks; sorting uniforms, sorting new staff..etc. So here it is your new tasks my dear barmaids, get to them as soon as possible and do them as well as you can.

Diane Dismai

Regardless of whether your my friend I know what your capable of so your task will be the hardest. Publicity for the tavern is currently low and we're not drawing in many customers on the Saturdays which means that funds are slowly slipping down. Piled on top of that we have 3 barmaids (including myself) but it just wont do we'll all be run down by the end of the month.

Task One:
One of these Saturdays I want you to run a tavern evening. This tavern evening is to have a dress up competition where the best costume wins a grand prize (something imaginative). Hire an entertainer (Singer/dancer/juggler) so that the customers always have something to do. We're not in the army so no report is required however pin a couple of sketches up on the board in the staffroom.

Task Two:
A little easier than the first one but far more boring. Your to get a baronship coloured kilt, sash, bandanna and boots to wear and head to Britian and Luna. I want you to place down army recruitment pamphlets as well as Goblin Recruitment ones. The Green Goblin recruitment pamphlet must be written by you and it may be used again in the future so hand a spare copy to me. Again no report is needed just a couple of paintings.

Task Three:
Read Tsugi's task to her.


Ah my favourite elf! Tusgi your task will be a little easier until I know what your capable of. Obviously because of your lack of sight you can take someone along for safety if you WANT too. Good Luck Tsugi.

Task One:
We're running a little low on Skara Braen wine recently and this is where I would like you to help. Take a trip to Skara Brae and order twenty bottles of Skara Braen ale and Skara Braen red wine. You can take guardsmen with you to ensure your safety and perhaps give them a little break from their stressful duty. Nothing but a painting is needed to be stuck on the task board in the staffroom as proof of the task completion. Oh.. and stocking the shelves of course.

Task Two:
Next month is that dreadful Halloween again but I'm all stuck for decoration ideas as well as tavern nights dedicated to the holiday. Personally, Tsugi I hate it but the customers don't and we need to keep them pleased. With the help of someone else think of some decorations I can put around the tavern and have them written down. Also think of a tavern night I could do.

Well theres your tasks Lady's if there is any problems you know where to contact me.

Head Barmaid
Teagan Trix

Title: Re: *The Task board in The Green Goblin staff room*
Post by: Teagan Grayner on October 14, 2006, 02:44:27 am
Katie Marslo

My newest barmaid! Welcome aboard as our new cook. As I explained to you in the induction your set tasks on occasion. Halloween is coming up (unfortunately) and with all the planning of my wedding and watering my mass production of plants time is slipping between my fingers! This is where you barmaids come in.

Task one:
A couple of days before halloween I want you to run a tavern evening. This tavern evening should have at least 1 other member of staff around for safety as well as an entertainer. Along with the help of Diane I want you to write up a 'Scary Menu' for the evening, prices included. This tavern evening should have at least 2 main events, use your imagination. Pin at least one picture as proof, no report is needed.

Task two:
For the 'Scary Menu' I want you to cook at least 6 halloween based dishes. For example, pumpkin soup. Post your ideas below with the ingredients for the recipe.

Kimble Embers

Ah, Kimble. I have yet to see you work missy so I'll make these tasks easier. Don't forget you don't get paid until you spend days doing work!

Task one:
The tavern is still a little dusty from when Grief did the building and customers are happier when their not sitting in a pile of soot. Give the tavern a good cleaning and pin an actual REPORT with picture proof below.

Task two:
I want you to create a survey which will help us find out which ale the Army love the most. Head over to the barracks and have a chat but don't bother them unless their not busy. Pin a copy of your survey below as well as the results.

Well theres your tasks Lady's if there is any problems you know where to contact me.

Head Barmaid
Teagan Trix

Title: Re: *The Task board in The Green Goblin staff room*
Post by: Katie Marslo on October 14, 2006, 10:09:02 pm
(http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/3028/onexg0.jpg)  (http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2076/onell6.jpg)

Title: Re: *The Task board in The Green Goblin staff room*
Post by: Teagan Grayner on January 21, 2007, 03:24:30 pm
Erik Arkay

Ah Mr Arkay, my new part-time staff member! Good to have you aboard, this doesn't mean that you wont get any tasks though and you were once a Captain so I know you are capable of a lot. You can't cook (apparently) but cooking and serving isn't all which keeps the tavern up and running.

Task one:
So our uniform is a bit bright apparently and the barmaids don't half moan about wearing it. I can't take their wailing much longer! Design a new colour scheme for the goblins uniform and stick up the results below.

Task Two:
This is more of an on going task, a lot of my staff have either died or run off to Yew (damn that Diane) and we're needing morem, as shifts are going unfilled. Advertise job vacations for The Green Goblin in any way possible. I don't care how its done as long as we look good.

Head Barmaid
Teagan Trix

(OOC: These tasks are optional of course;) )