Title: A Feather Gathering Hunt! Post by: Ira on October 04, 2006, 08:59:28 pm Slaughtering the Harpies to pluck'em Feathers, ah.
Led by Junior Perun * Ira Sanguistat, Recruit * Del'Zar, Recruit * Garnett, Recruit * Desmond Krieger, Watchman * Kurt, Regular Guardsman * Hoagie, Regular Dragoon * Mela, Scout Corporal * Claire, Common Hunter Since the Scout training were cancelled due to lack of numbers, Junior Perun decided to lead a hunt into Ilshenar instead, to gather some fathers for the Light Company. Once we had enough number, we ran to the moongate in Minoc, and headed to the Spirituality Shrine in Ilshenar. The Baron was kind enough to see us off before we disappeared into the blue abyss. As we arrived at the nest, we opened slaughter on the bird-women. Their feathery bodies littered the ground quickly, and Hoagie and Kurt went to work plucking the feathers. Now the harpies were indeed women and I would've laid me charm on them, but as they were trying to rip me apart with their talons and their faces were hideously twisted, I refrained. I doubt they understood Common anyway, eh? (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7180/harpiesof3.jpg) In fact there were quite a bit of whacking involved. After a while, this seemed to upset the older and more powerful harpies, and the golden beasts made their appearance. Of course they were no match for the Covian army and me mighty fork, ah? (http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8823/harpies2ly8.jpg) After a few minutes of knockin' birds, I received a note from a pigeon that Recruit Garnett were joining us. With Perun's permission I ran to fetch him, and led him to the harpy's nest. (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7984/harpies3xl2.jpg) A while more of feather gathering, we finally decided to retreat. We returned home with a good sum of gold and a load of feathers. After receiving our shares, we were finally dismissed. Surrounded by some pretty Covian faces, I found all this activity rather excitin'. (http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/7685/harpies4rd2.jpg) -Ira Sanguistat Recruit Title: Re: A Feather Gathering Hunt! Post by: Perun on October 04, 2006, 09:12:46 pm A fine report Ira.
It seems you're not too bad at soldiering when yer've got your mind on it and nay think yer commanding officer is man when she is a woman. Hmph! After all the tales i'd heard about ye aswell. *smiles evily* For the record we returned with 2400 feathers for the Light Company and near as damn it 18000 coins, half for the guardsmen who attended and half put into the coffers by Kurt. Well done everyone who took part. Perun, Junior Scout! |