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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Veldrin on October 04, 2006, 09:58:55 pm

Title: A Brief Guardsman Training
Post by: Veldrin on October 04, 2006, 09:58:55 pm
Guardsman Training to keep you bloody ingrates in shape.
Led by Officer Cadet Veldrin Ni'harel
* Kurt
* Flina Trix
* Tiberius
* Raiden Morana
* Del'Zar
* Garnett
* Hoagie

To begin with we reviewed some basic parade orders, and lineup etiquette. They were exhausted from their warmups, of course, but no matters. Following that we held a few healing excersizes, both of which were hideously executed and they all failed miserably. However this was to be expected.

Following this we did some wrestling exercize, and everyone beat the Grenadier Morana half to death much to my amusement.


The training ended with a free for all, and everyone teamed up against ME because they are hideously jealous of my good looks and fighting ability.


-Veldrin Ni'harel
Officer Cadet

Title: Re: A Brief Guardsman Training
Post by: Krieger on October 04, 2006, 10:01:24 pm
And Watchman Krieger, please, Ma'am!

Title: Re: A Brief Guardsman Training
Post by: Tyrael on October 04, 2006, 10:24:38 pm
Recruit Guardsman Tyrael Styx was there for the beginning

Title: Re: A Brief Guardsman Training
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 05, 2006, 06:58:32 am
Aye it was a steady session indeed Miss Veldrin.

Although Grenadier bashing should be outlawed I say!

I had to submit in the end ye see, I'm ticklish!


Raiden, Senior Grenadier.