Title: Venture to Covetous! Post by: Claire/Mikaela on October 08, 2006, 08:58:32 pm Onto Covetous!
Damn those Giant Chickens! Though the trip to the graveyard prior was a bit exhausting, our next venture to the Covetous dungeon took place directly after. We left for Covetous at 20:15 and successfully made it through the first portion of the dungeon. Desmond and Nate led the way to help keep the beasts from attacking me at first sight. There were a few insidents inwhich Nat and I were knocked out, but Desmond came to our rescue! The only other minor injury was my loss of my little toe...Nat and Desmond were a bit shocked at my response to that.. *Giggles and grins* We then left the cave due to my having to tend to some business. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//harpies.JPG) Death to the Harpies!! Whom Attended: Nathaniel Boyd, Guardsman Recruit Mikaela, Guardsman Recruit Desmond Krieger, Watchman === |