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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Garak Nightchill on October 10, 2006, 09:39:57 pm

Title: A Report submitted to Sir Hugo
Post by: Garak Nightchill on October 10, 2006, 09:39:57 pm

My Lord Preceptor,

I have troubling matters to report to thee.  As thou art aware, a wytch did hand unto a Guardsman a note concerning this Earth Serpent Fang.  This wytch did then approach us and I gave chase.  Alas, he eluded me.  At Mass, I handed thee the note. 

As thou wilt also recall, Watchman Krieger did confess to tardiness in reporting a plot against the Church and thou didst command me to question him regarding this. 

I took Watchman Krieger to the Interrogation interogation room beneath the Barracks, in the fervent hope that the sight of the instruments of inquisition would serve to sharpen his memory.  I then proceeded to question him regarding this contemptable plot against the Church.

He claimed to have been in the presence of a man wearing a hooded dark blue, nearly black robe.  This vile hooded creature claimed that the Church was corrupt.  Also present was a Guardsman named Del'Zar.  With thy permission, I shall track this Guard down and question them.  Mayhaps they shall have further information?

During the questioning the Guardsman known as Conan Darkmoon did enter.  This Darkmoon was the impudent wretch who did question thee regarding the Tithe.  Shortly thereafter, an assassin did strike at me in the Interogation room.  Using smoke, it did hide in the shadows.  Failing to strike me down, it did then attempt to silence Watchman Krieger, but I kept him alive.  I dismissed Watchman Krieger. 


A short time after leaving the Barracks, I came across Inquisitor Odenetheus, who was wounded.  'Twas the vilest deed in a day of vile deed.  Some cowardly heathen did use violence upon the person of the Inquisitor, within the walls of Avatar's Church!  'Tis believed there may be a link between these cowardly assassins who doth skulk in the dark, and this Earth Serpent Fang.  A note was left where Inquisitor Odenetheus was struck, claiming responsibility on behalf of this Earth Serpent Fang. 

I shall report to thee any further developments. 

In Nomini Deus,

Roland Dagorian
Templi Squire


Title: Re: A Report submitted to Sir Hugo
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on October 15, 2006, 04:19:53 am
*Walks by and smirks*