Title: Flina's Parade Drill. Post by: Teagan Grayner on October 10, 2006, 10:43:37 pm Attendees:
Flina Trix, Watchman - Leader Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant Del'Zar, Watchman Hoagie, Officer Cadet Garak Nightchill, Junior Scout Snudrud, Guardman recruit - left early As for my requirements I needed to do a Parade drill I thought, well, I better get cracking eh? And so I did! Calling a line up I wasn't too impressed with the turnout but nevertheless I had enough. I had studied Joey's guide to parade drills a few minutes before so it was all fresh in my mind I did about saluting and turning to the right..etc. They worked well apart from the occasional cheeky comment from Del'Zar and I managed to get through all the orders as well as having them act them out. (http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/4876/flinadrillxs7.jpg) *Signed* Flina Trix, Watchman |