Title: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger [COMPLETE] Post by: Darath Mithar on October 13, 2006, 05:14:31 pm Tossing away a few dozen more Recruit administration files onto the pile mark ‘Killed In Action’ Darath finally found a Guardsman who had managed to survive his tenure as a Recruit. Even as a Watchman. “Kreiger ehhh? He follows orders well” Darath grunted, nodding to himself “I wonder if he would act as my meat shield if I ordered him” He pondered a moment as he began to write Kreigers trials.
Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger Addressed to Watchman Desmond Kreiger Greetings Watchman Kreiger. You have demonstrated yourself as reliable, combat-apt and motivated Guardsman in making you way up through the lower ranks. Some would say congratulations; i would say the worst is still to come. Assignments: 1. Led a recruitment drive in the city of Haven. Set up a recruitment stall, a sentry post and lead the Guardsmen present through a short Parade Drill. Also provide other forms of entertainment for the platoon. 3. Demonstrate you aptitude as an aspiring Grenadier. Design 3 siege weapon prototypes to protect the Barons land. At least 1 of these contraptions must be capable of dispersing large amount of explosion potions over a given area. Write a report detailing the designs including sketches and how the weapon works. OOC Conditions: • At least 5 Guardsmen must accompany you on the recruitment drive. • You must remain set up in Haven for at least 45 minutes. • Talk to Mela about organising drinks and the like from the Green Goblin on the day of the strength and speed contest. • Contact the leaders of friendly guilds, inviting them to the contest. • For assignment 2. use a number of different materials in your constructions. Feel free to also use editing programs (paint etc) to enhance your pictures. Good Luck. Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger Post by: Krieger on October 13, 2006, 06:04:33 pm Hoho, about time! Will get stuck in roit away, Sir.
Mind an' call me KrIEger, though, Sir. Nay KrEIger! *Grins, and nods.* *Rubs hands together eagerly..* Off we go! Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger Post by: Krieger on October 13, 2006, 08:47:51 pm Assignment No. 2:
See here (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,6337.msg52665.html#msg52665). Title: Re: Assignment No. 2 Post by: Krieger on October 15, 2006, 12:45:04 am Assignment Report – Desmond Frederick Krieger
20:00 GMT, Saturday, 14th October 2006 Though Guardsmen duties are never over, with the permission of the Cove Military Command through my Watchman Trials, this eve I hosted a Rebel Alliance Fitness Competition. This competition involved a number of contests, demonstrating our soldiers’ speed and strength. Though there were no Kaldorians present, there was a number of Vesperians and Covians, and a couple of Hospitallers – so who would emerge the dominant force of the north in this competition?! Covians?! Naturally! And here’s how it went! With concern to the competitors’ wellbeing, so as not to have any pulled muscles and such, we commenced with a short jog to loosen off those muscles, followed by some stretching; common procedure, really. Quite necessary! When it was felt the competitors were adequately warmed up, and prepared for a night of demanding activities, we advanced with the first contest – an oh-so-popular footrace, twice over! Pulling on their running booties, the contestants seemed ready, even if unenthusiastic. Covians came out on top, of course, though this triggered the first of the bickering between forces, which continued much throughout the evening. (http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/9802/boctrial21pz7.png) Ordering the warm-up, and advancing the first contest! Next up: the team-effort relay race! And handily, by this stage, there were three Covians and three Vesperians, making for good teams. As such, one person from each team was swiftly placed together, at three points throughout the course. At the start point, the two team members were given a baton, with the task of sprinting to the next checkpoint, where another team mate would await them. There, the baton would be passed on, and the next person would run to the next checkpoint, et cetera! This was a GRAND success for Cove, walloping the Vesper team outright by one whole circuit. Vesper, getting irritated by this stage, I imagine, turned to the ordinary bickering, as aforementioned. However, one particular red-head, with a fiery temper (haw haw!), took the shame out on poor Teagan Trix, and knocked her out cold. Though Teagan was generally alright, this is an act by our ‘allies’ that should nay be soon forgotten! (http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/752/boctrial23br9.png) The relay race. Oorah! What with the squabbling over race finishing positions, the tussling between Teagan and Angfan, and the policing by the Covian guardsmen, there was little time for the other activities planned, the Competition now being well into an hour. Therefore, one more contest followed, this time focusing on strength, of course. Earlier, I had spent some amount of time chopping decent sized, heavy logs, which could be put to use in the demonstrations of (http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/6585/boctrial24nw6.png) The third, and unfortunately final contest. Attendance Roster: Hoagie, [Dragoon] Officer Cadet Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout Desmond Krieger, Watchman (Leading) Nathaniel Boyd, Guardsman Recruit Caeral, Guardsman Recruit Award Winners: 1st Place – 100,000 Gold: Cove’s own Guardsman Recruit Nathaniel Boyd. 2nd Place – 25,000 Gold & a Looted Loyalist Shield Trinket: Vesper’s Angfan. 3rd Place – 10,000 Gold & a Replica of the Famed Covian Cap!: Cove’s own Officer Cadet Hoagie and Guardsman Recruit Caeral. (http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/7605/boctrial25hu7.png) Concluding with awarding the winners. Important Note: Head Barmaid, Miss Teagan Trix, kindly set up a bar in town, supplying the seemingly MUCH-craved booze, though more importantly water, for our contestants. This kept everyone satisfied during set-up between activities. Many thanks to her! D. Krieger, Watchman Title: Re: Assignment No. 3 Post by: Krieger on October 15, 2006, 01:59:16 pm Assignment Report – Desmond Frederick Krieger
21:00 GMT, Friday, 13th October 2006 3. Demonstrate you aptitude as an aspiring Grenadier. Design 3 siege weapon prototypes to protect the Barons land. At least 1 of these contraptions must be capable of dispersing large amount of explosion potions over a given area. Write a report detailing the designs including sketches and how the weapon works. Quite an interesting task, this was. And to better demonstrate my aptitude as an aspiring Grenadier, two of these three defence weapon designs involve the potions the Grenadiers so commonly make effective use of. Contraption No. 1 – “The Stake Trap” (http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/5281/boctrial12dz9.png) “The Stake Trap” – Spearing the approaching enemy. Though my first idea was to simply place the stakes in the barricade as you see them, I knew they would prove more effective if they were originally unseen, then sprung out at advancing enemies in surprise. Pondering over ways this could be achieved, it was really between the stakes being held, then driven into the enemy by our soldiers through small cavities in our barricades; or being bound in elastic latex which I would harvest from rubber trees, pinned into a withdrawn position, and set off with a spring-action at the right moment. The latter seemed, to me, the better choice. Contraption No. 2 – “Raining Grenadier” (http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/6444/boctrial11jr0.png) “Raining Grenadier” - raining Grenadier potions upon the enemy! The first of the Grenadier-style contraptions, “Raining Grenadier” will be used to finish the job of “The Stake Trap”, should any attackers only have a minor injury, or have avoided injury completely. Upon pulling a rope which is tied tightly around a handle on the side of the bucket as seen in the sketches, the bucket will tip and release a collection of Grenadier potions, raining Grenadier all over the enemy. Contraption No. 3 – “Bombing Grenadier” (http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/1042/boctrial13jj0.png) “Bombing Grenadier” – launching Grenadier potions upon a camped enemy! The second of the Grenadier-style contraptions, “Bombing Grenadier” will be used to launch Grenadier potions upon a camped enemy, some distance from our encampment, as they attempt to prepare their advance. Though it is untested, the accuracy should be average, the firing distance moderate, but the outcome – devastation. The barrels themselves can be packed full with many, many vials, and as it tumbles through the air, the vials tumble out, dispersing well. D. Krieger, Watchman Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger Post by: Raiden Morana on October 15, 2006, 04:24:44 pm Good work so far Krieger!
Some o' those contraptions look deadly indeed! *grins* Fine detailed sketches yer done there too! Now get on wi' the rest o' yer trials! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger Post by: Darath Mithar on October 15, 2006, 04:38:46 pm Fine work Watchman Krieger.
*Signed* Officer Cadet Mithar Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger Post by: Krieger on October 15, 2006, 07:10:21 pm Assignment Report – Desmond Frederick Krieger
18:00 GMT, Sunday, 15th October 2006 As for the final part of my trials, a recruitment drive to Haven was to be led, during which an outpost would be constructed where our recruitment efforts would be coordinated, and a brief parade drill conducted. With a number of guardsmen gathered outside the barracks, I collected the construction material, ordered that they equip themselves with a handful of recruitment pamphlets, and we set off. Quite simply - straight to Haven to went, and swiftly carried out the task at hand. Firstly, the platoon got the outpost erected for the purpose of coordinating our recruitment, as aforementioned. With half of the guardsmen off to the southwest gathering hides, the remaining began the laying of the first level of crates. When the hide gatherers had returned, we sharply finished off the outpost, and got stuck in to some recruiting. (http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/3577/boctrial31rc7.png) The constructing and manning of the outpost. The recruiting could have certainly gone better than it did, though naturally you’ll have good nights and bad nights. Perhaps the Haven Guard had nabbed any potential recruits that day; who knows! There were a few bystanders moderately interested, it seemed, at least one that I spoke to myself. Though not taking the extra step in actually getting recruited, he spoke with me for some time, and eagerly accepted a pamphlet. He had been seen earlier around the barracks grounds, and as such it is certainly likely we’ll see him in the Baron’s Citizenship! (http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/5420/boctrial32rd5.png) Dispersing around Haven, recruiting! After a good while at recruiting, we moved on to the parade drill, in the hope that our professionalism would entice those watching such! The drill went well, each guardsman appearing to remember well the orders given when on parade. Though this was not a full parade drill, almost all areas were briefly covered – and we certainly caught the attention of those around us! (http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/6273/boctrial33vq6.png) The guardsmen on parade. Concluding with another attempt at recruitment afterwards, we were greatly interrupted by an argument between one of our recruits, Averion, and the ‘Lord’ of Haven, Darkion, of the Order of Haven. The higher ranks of our platoon seemed to sort it out, however. By the time we packed up for returning to Cove, the outpost had been held for well over 45 minutes – a good hour, I would say, in the least. D. Krieger, Watchman Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Desmond Kreiger [COMPLETE] Post by: Vince Valentine on October 16, 2006, 02:22:07 pm Damn fine work Kreiger, those contraptions could stop a thousand loyalist i'd wager.
Keep up the good work *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |