Title: Lizardmen have supplies?! Post by: Claire/Mikaela on October 14, 2006, 03:55:51 pm Death te all th' lizards!
Grouping up at the barracks under Kelly's command, Raiden, she, and I all went to Despise at 1430 on the 14 of October 2006. We also assisted a citizen and brought him along with us. He stood back while we collected hides from the corpses of the lizardmen... (http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l222/Pillowfluff_hehe/UO16.jpg) Though the entrance seemed intimidating, we all prepared each other with supporting... war cries! Fear not what lies ahead! (http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l222/Pillowfluff_hehe/UO17.jpg) After killing the first group of lizardmen, Raiden had discovered an opening in the wall... we peered inside and were shocked at our findings.. barrels filled with cider and wine, crates of food and other goods.. armor and weapons?! "BURN IT!", shouted Qom. "Aye!", said the rest of us. And so, Raiden had us back away, and he lit everything on fire, burning it to ashes. We watched the fire blaze, laughing at the site, lizardmen with supplies...*Laughs* (http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l222/Pillowfluff_hehe/UO18.jpg) In this sketch we are standing around the corpses awaiting anymore in coming cold blooded creatures... Qom held his torch up attempting to peer down the opening. We quickly gathered as much of the hides we could hold. (http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l222/Pillowfluff_hehe/UO19.jpg) Here we stand with our findings. Having gathered all we could carry, we returned to the barracks and lined up. Kelly looked over the piles of hides and gold, nodding in approval. Though the gold was low in sum, we had skinned many of the cold blooded fellows and brought the hides in for the humble tailors use. Whom Attended: Kelly, Junior scout Raiden Morana, Grenadier Corporal Mikaela, Guardsman Recruit Qom Riyadh, Commoner Title: Re: Lizardmen have supplies?! Post by: Raiden Morana on October 14, 2006, 04:08:47 pm Another fine report recruit, well sketched drawings too. *grins*
Aye nay much loot, i think they must have spent it on their supplies. Ha! But at least the crafters will be happy. Kelly and I placed the hides we had on the table in the barracks and the commoner Qom had some too i think. Well led Kelly and well done those who attended. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |