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Command Boards => Completed Tasks => Topic started by: Mela Arkay on October 14, 2006, 08:35:48 pm

Title: Ridding Cove of scum. - COMPLETE
Post by: Mela Arkay on October 14, 2006, 08:35:48 pm
Walking through Cove town the guardsmen held tightly onto their halberds as the people of Cove rushed back to their homes before night time came. As their patrol ended they headed towards the tavern only to find their gold pouches were missing!
Damn thieves!

Greetings Guardsmen & Hunters of Cove!

Recently Coves security has been lacking and the well earned gold of many guardsman and even townsfolk has been stolen from the thieves and bandits which roam in the city freely and even in disguise.

Look around Cove for any suspicious characters (hireling NPC's or even escort NPC's) and kindly ask them to leave. If they refuse then use force. Any gold you can get from the thieves must be returned to the owner.

Hunters and Guardsmen can do this task
A report with proof sketches must be done, be imaginative with the report.

  • You may only do this task once.

Scout Corporal,

Title: Re: Ridding Cove of scum.
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on October 17, 2006, 04:20:31 pm
Special notice :
Partaking in this task may or may not incur the displeasure of the Organization.

Title: Re: Ridding Cove of scum.
Post by: Vince Valentine on October 18, 2006, 09:11:27 am
Criminal scum eh? Not in my town i say!

Twas a dark night, and the hour grew late as ventured forth, ready for bed. It seemed like i'd been sitting by the ocean for hours, listening to the gentle waves splosh. Suddenly, i was confronted by a most horrendous sight! A chap the size of a small house was roughing up two scrawny chaps, citizens by the looks of them, taking their hard earned gold!! He was throwing them around like rag dolls, until yours truly, the one and only Vince Valentine stepped in.

Stop it, you nasty man!

Halt! I yelled, but he seemed unimpressed, and came at me anyway!
Unfortunatly i was ill prepared for this brute, and was knocked to my arse.

Err, i tripped....aye

I needed a plan. A good plan. That was it! I'd use his size against him!
I positioned myself next to the sturdiest building i could find and proceeded to insult the heck out of him, until he was seeing red!
A raging bull, he charged me again, only for me to nimbly dive out of the way, leaving his huge, stupid head to crash with the solid bars of our fair bank


With the awful man apprehended, I, along with some able bodied citizens, dragged him off to the cells, where he'll be spending a very long time.
Another criminal off of the streets, of the fair town they call.....*Whispered*...Cove

          Vince Valentine
       Grenadier Sergeant