Title: Reward system [PR] Post by: Mela Arkay on October 16, 2006, 02:36:25 am Reward system.
All hard work must not go unrewarded and this is why he have a new reward system for our Task Boards! With the combined brains of command we've managed to pull together a reward which is worth aiming for a new and more expensive prize. The Prize The prize is quite simply a weapon of exceptional quality (and of your choice and choice of metal) however it will be tokuno pigmented the colour red. The Hall of Fame The hall of Fame is where those who have earned the weapon will be noted down. Questions & Answers Q: "Can I earn a weapon more than once?" A: Of course you can! Q: "If I tag along for a task, does it class as me doing the task?" A: No I'm afraid not, only the ones leading it gets the credit. More to come as their asked... Any questions? Contact Mela on ICQ! Scout Corporal, Mela.E.Arkay (283-033-984) Title: Re: Reward system [PR] Post by: Mela Arkay on November 05, 2006, 04:52:53 pm UPDATED!