Title: Like a nail to the head - COMPLETE Post by: Mela Arkay on October 18, 2006, 01:58:23 pm The Grenadier strode into the barracks staring straight forward through his vizzard. He had his eyes fixed on that recruit, the one which never behaves. But little did he know, the recruit was more clever than it seemed. As he marched towards him the grenadier went tumbling down the hole.
"Sucker.." snickered the recruit as he sat down and went back to reading todays edition of the morning poste. Morning everyone, In the middle of the barracks you may have seen theres a rather large hole. Now. if this hole isn't repaired people may injure themselves and that COSTS! Task: Repair the hole in the barracks. Notes: There are two holes, all should be repaired. One person MAY repair all holes. Restrictions:
Task type: Roleplay based. Scout Corporal, Mela.E.Arkay Title: Re: Like a nail to the head.. Post by: qom_riyadh on October 18, 2006, 08:07:45 pm Me reads the task and thinks - "Me is a carpenter - such a hole is like a slap in me face!". So prepared some boards, tools and went to the barracks.
Took me horse, and went to the barracks. (http://img275.imageshack.us/img275/4376/h1kz6.jpg) Then went upstairs, prepared the tools and began the work (http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/8647/h2fe4.jpg) The work was easy, but needed some precision... (http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/7510/h3yp7.jpg) Suddenly, i've noticed that there is something hidden... It was a box! Hidden under the floor! Me Qom was happy that found a treasure, but it was empty... (http://img281.imageshack.us/img281/7663/h4zb7.jpg) Finally, the hole was closed and the floor was safe again. (http://img281.imageshack.us/img281/5085/h5mo8.jpg) The next one was level down, right in front of the statue of our Great Liege! We was feeling like the Baron himself watch me humble carpenter working! (http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/4491/h6wb5.jpg) Also here me needed to use some "magic" with boards and woods (http://img275.imageshack.us/img275/8810/h7dj1.jpg) Now me should only do some cleaning up, and was ready to go. (http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/9896/h8zd0.jpg) Overall, the job was done, and from now on it is safe again to walk in the barracks. (http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/1558/h9rl2.jpg) And if anybody will need to fix some floor, contact me, ye know! *winks* Sincerely, Qom Riyadh |