Title: Militia Squads - Please Read Post by: Octiovus on March 19, 2005, 01:26:26 am Below follow a list of the three new elements added to BoC - a target for you all to aim for, and something to add intriguge and roleplay to BoC.
How to apply to a squad- Send a PM or ICQ to the division officer (If a division doesn't have an officer, send the application to myself) with the following information : *Character name *Why you want to be a member of this element Title: Re: New elements to BoC: Post by: Octiovus on March 19, 2005, 01:27:55 am Light company –
The skirmisher of Cove, scouts and spies, espionage is their game. They are silent but deadly, usually first to go in – without the enemy knowing, of course! Recommended skills: *Ninjitsu *Poisoning *Hiding/stealth Rules: *Can go undercover into areas usually off-limits to the rest of Coves militia. *You must be of JUNIOR rank or above to apply. *May have TWO officers, one sergeant, and one Captain. *May not use shields of any kind except on parade Roleplay traits: *Mysterious, don’t discuss assignment much. *Usually are good friends with others in the company *Do not like formation fighting and try to avoid it if possible. Role – The skirmishes are information gathers and assassins, in battle, their role is to pick off fleeing targets, they do NOT go in formation with the main block. Uniform: Green horned leather armour (Full set), Covian cloth uniform. Title: Re: New elements to BoC: Post by: Octiovus on March 19, 2005, 01:28:22 am Baron’s own Grenadiers–
Cove’s elite infantry, tough, hardy, and depend enable. Often have connections with the Baron himself (Hence the company name), when the enemy sees this lot coming, they know they’re not in for an easy ride. Rules: *Only JUNIOR and above may apply to be a member. *May have TWO officers, one sergeant, one Captain. Recommended skills: *Tactics *Healing *Archery *Alchemy Roleplay traits: *Well disciplined *Usually quite harsh Role – The heavy infantry of BoC will form the main block of any combat and will stay there. Uniform – As their rank, but may use bronze arms and shadow iron heater shield. Title: Re: New elements to BoC: Post by: Octiovus on June 08, 2005, 06:43:57 pm How to get into militia squads –
You MUST be of junior rank or above. Whether you are able to enter a militia squad or not is down to its leader, their decision is FINAL. (All requirements are IN ADDITION TO the normal promotion requirements.) The grenadiers: *Organize and lead five local area patrols and put them in the log. *Lead three hunts. *Complete three reports *Complete grenadier trials including – - Survival training -Discipline -Fighting effectiveness The Light Company: *Organize and lead five local area patrols and put them in the log. *Lead three hunts. *Complete three reports *Complete Light Company trials – TO BE ANNOUNCED. Covian dragoons *Organize and lead 10 local area patrols *Gather 100,000 gold to the guild coffer via the means of hunts. (Not solo ones.) *Complete five reports *Complete Dragoon trials - - Riding lessons - Combat excellence - Leadership academy Title: Re: Militia Squads - Please Read Post by: Octiovus on June 11, 2005, 01:24:08 am UPDATED.
Title: Re: Militia Squads - Please Read Post by: Joey Lanai on July 19, 2005, 11:10:52 pm Arcane Company
The Arcane Company is the new Comapany that has opened within the Militia which is aimed at Mages and Necromancy wielding Warriors. Guardsmen within the Arcane company are the only Guardsmen who are allowed to use the Spirit Speak and Necromancy skills. Who can Join? Only Junior and above May apply and Join, though Recruits and Watchmen can become Apprentice's of existing members. How can i Join? Get in contact with the leader of the company and then complete the Trials you are given. The tome of the Arcane company can be found below. http://users.cjb.net/arcanecompany/index.htm |