Title: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Kal/Mathew on October 26, 2006, 08:46:15 am Well guys I known I just got back on not to long ago, But I will be away for about 3 to 6 months now. My uncle has taken ill and needs someone to run his shop for hik till my cousin gets home from the Army. As soon as he gets in I will return hoke and resume my role as Kal ShadowHand. But till then I will miss you all. My nephew has moved in here to help with things here while I am away, and he has access to my account and has created a character to join BoC. He has RP'ed before.
(PS) I don't know how I will do it being away from BoC for that long, it almost killed me when my PC went down for all the months before. BoC is some what addictive I would say *Grins*. Till we next meet my Brothers and sisters! You all stay safe and may the Avatar be with you all. Signed Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: userjosh5368 on October 26, 2006, 10:03:17 am Hehe no sweat man hope you get well soon your self as well as your uncle,
Whenever you can get back that be great missed yer far tpo much last time. See yer soon man! ;) Josh Olaseinde player of Demarian Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Raiden Morana on October 26, 2006, 11:02:13 am Take care Kal and good luck with the shop.
Hope your uncle get's well soon and see you when you get back! ;) Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Khaelieth on October 26, 2006, 12:20:27 pm Yeah, I should be coming back soon too. I know how addictive BoC is
Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Conan Darkmoon on October 26, 2006, 02:52:01 pm Gah! It's going to be damn hard running the Earth Serpent Fang Campaign without you, oh well. I'll miss ya buddy, make sure not to leave UO for good! ;D
Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: userjosh5368 on October 26, 2006, 03:12:58 pm He will be back'! He left before and as always the UO TEMPTATION NEVER GOES MEHAHAHAHAHAH!
Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Mela Arkay on October 26, 2006, 05:12:27 pm I'd be lying if I was to say I wouldn't missing you Kal ;) Return soon I need another sane Scout around.
Mela Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Garak Nightchill on October 26, 2006, 05:21:38 pm Hope to see you when you get back.
By then I may even have finished Del'Zar's magery guide :/ Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Krieger on October 26, 2006, 07:36:42 pm Damn, three to six months! :(
Hope all goes well with the shop, man. Don't sweat it. See you sometime! Title: Re: A short Leave of Absence Post by: Averion on October 26, 2006, 07:37:13 pm Mela! Javier's Sane.....Apart from being Averions brother that is :)