Title: A grand return. Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on October 27, 2006, 09:01:42 am Kazuo looked up from his desk.
"Hmm?" A man clad in black stood in front of the old Tokunian. "It is time, mister Shinrai. We should return to Cove within the next days." Kazuo waved a dismissive hand and went back to reading the documents he was studying as ever. With a slight irritation in his voice, the man responded. "Each day we stay here, the power of the Organization deteriorates and our position suffers." Kazuo scoffed. "Hardly... but very well, make the preparations. We shall leave for Cove in a few days. But before that send out our scouts and contact our associates in Trinsic. I wish to make sure our position is still secure." It would take a few days for preparations to be made, but an estimated guess would that Kazuo and trusted should be returning to Cove next tuesday. Title: Re: A grand return. Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on October 31, 2006, 12:01:09 pm The man clad in black stood in front of Kazuo, although his face was masked his eyes were visibly troubled.
"It would not be safe to return right now, mister Shinrai. As for the position of the Organization, it seems that it is still secure." As Kazuo looked up from the documents he must have studied a thousand times by now he smirked slightly. "Told you so!" Now word on the street has it that Kazuo is planning his grand return one week later than originally planned. [*mutter* Those damn buggers f*cked up the delivery of my new modem, it got lost in the mail and now they are sending out a new one.] |