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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Octiovus on October 27, 2006, 03:40:55 pm

Title: Tales of Cove!
Post by: Octiovus on October 27, 2006, 03:40:55 pm
The task:

*You are to accompany the Covian guardsmen on a hunt and record their grand victory over a fearsome beast in either a story, song or poem!


*This task may be completed only once per character.


*Shillings will be awarded on the basis of the fierocity of the creature and the quality of story/ballad!

Title: Re: Tales of Cove!
Post by: Teagan Grayner on November 13, 2006, 03:31:29 am
Puddle of gold

There once was a barmaid oh she was so fair,
ginger hair and the growl of a bear!
She went with four Covians all handsome were they,
to the deepest depths of a dungeon to her dismay.

The smell was revolting old blood and flesh,
the bones on the ground were surely a mess,
It was time to fight but not for the maid,
Covian Soldier will save the day!

When your in a sticky situaaattion,
The Covian Army will surely be there!

Never fear young lass we're here,
Never fear don't shed a tear.
Don't cry you wont die,
Us Covians will save the day!

They ventured deep their weapons held high,
The torch in the hand of the shakey ginger lass.
The screeches of the beasts sounded through the tunnels,
as the soldiers marched closer to the balrons home.

When your in a sticky situaaattion,
The Covian Army will surely be there!

Never fear young lass we're here,
Never fear don't shed a tear.
Don't cry you wont die,
Us Covians will save the day!

As they approached something appeared,
something golden oh how it gleamed.
The Barmaid dropped the torch and screamed!
Running far away, though didn't they tell her that Covians always save the day?!

Slashing and hacking with all their might,
The golden blood thing wailed in fright,
the blood sank to the ground it was deafted,
The barmaid was surely proud!

When your in a sticky situaaattion,
The Covian Army will surely be there!

Never fear young lass we're here,
Never fear don't shed a tear.
Don't cry you wont die,
Us Covians will save the day!


Title: Re: Tales of Cove!
Post by: Garak Nightchill on November 13, 2006, 04:08:33 am
75 Shillings awarded